Cast Time and Ultimate Duration

I thought of this recently and it might have been posted before, but is there a way to change cast times? Particularly for Resurrect since its really the only one long enough to matter besides maybe Sigma’s Accretion.

Beyond that I also noticed that for some reason Mercy doesnt have an infinite ult scalar? Every other transformation ultimate has one, and even some channeled ones like Moira’s has one, so its weird that Mercy does not.

I assume its because of how Valkyrie used to interact with Resurrect, but since it no longer does, maybe add the option?

I’ve resorted to using a workaround where If Mercy uses her ult, after 15 seconds she gets 100% ult charge and if ult charge is 100% she presses q automatically to kind of make it infinite but its kind of weird.

I tried doing the same with resurrect using the workshop and making it if she uses resurrect it just resurrects them but it also looks wonky since she doesnt even move her hand.

There are other heroes who may use it, certain ultimates that have a slight delay or cast time that usually goes unnoticed, like Sombras EMP or Mei’s Blizzard. SO maybe add cast times, I think it might be weird cuz itll change the animations sometimes, but with Mercy, the only problem is really the bug she has with her resurrect currently, but the old animation still exists since it plays with high lag.

sadly no, not yet. you either have to have the cast times longer and work around that, and for resurrect you cant change that unless you cancel it very early, but if you do that then you she wont rez. your best solution for rez is to cancel it short and resurrect the player with an action and add status effects for the rezz’d person. use my code as an example, SBQXZ. there is a workshop update coming soon but you know blizzard and their soons. best we can do is hope that they add cast times.

i believe its because of that reason yes.

you will have to deal with that if you want it to act like that. the animation itself is attached to resurrect so canceling the animation early will cancel the rez.

It’s not like the game is using an entirely different Resurrect animation, it’s just that the animation is being cancelled due to something.

She actually still uses the full animation cycle IF the resurrect is performed while using her glide ability.

Also her Ultimate doesn’t have a duration slider because her ultimate didn’t use to be a transformation ultimate.
They forgot adding it after her ‘Moth’ rework.

Cast time adjustment for abilities is already mentioned in the Wiki Thread for Workshop feature requests.

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I hope they add the cast time adjustment. I just wonder if the animation would struggle with shortening the cast since it is a different animation than what Mercy used to have when it was instant. Or if its just a result of the ending of it being interrupted that makes it look clunky when before it was fluid.

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The animation is still the same it’s just being cancelled a little to early.
You can still get the full animation cycle when resurrecting while using the ‘Angelic Descent’.

It might need some work but I’d assume that work is still less than what needed to be done to make model scaling fully work.

Really? it may be that I just wasnt paying attention to it, but I’ve done a lot of descending resurrects and im fairly positive that the animation was cancelled just the same. Of course I also havent played in a while so I dont know if that is something that has changed, but Ill check it out right now and see.

Or maybe resurrecting Training Bots in the Practice Range produces different results.

At least I got the full cycle when testing it there after finding out about it.

Did some more goofing around with it.
If you find the time ya can check RRP64P.
It’s a replay not workshop code.

You need to be in the air the entire resurrect, if you touch the ground before the rez ends
the animation cancels itself.

I tried in in a custom game and yes, it worked. when resurrecting using angelic descent, her hand comes back down fluidly instead of snapping back into place.

It even worked when I just jumped before the rez and even when i hit the ground after, it still did the fluid animation. Likely because I was in the air even if for a split second prior to the resurrect by jumping.

The ones I tested before were by having the soul next to a ledge and then using resurrect.

Huh, I did it and even if I touched the ground after I still got the fluid animation. As long as I started the resurrect using angelic descent I got the fluid animation. However, if I wasnt and just went down and touched the floor her clunky animation where she snaps her arm back would play.

I think it has to do with whether or not angelic descent is being used.

yeah the snapping in place is a bug and it also deals with latency.