Cassidy's dumb hitbox is so broken

I’m so sick of how easy it is for Cassidy’s to hit their shots and never miss. Its like they get a free aimbot. Like out of all the meta heroes this season Cassidy is by far the worst. At least with Pharah, Echo or Tracer I can do stuff about it. But with Cassidy you can’t even dodge his shots anymore at this point.


Yes, Cass need to have the hitbox change reverted more than anyone. He also needs either lower damage or lower rate of fire but people are focused on Pharah and ignoring him so Blizzard will probably buff his flashbang or some nonsense like that.


People are ignoring the fact that Cass is kind of gatekeeping Pharah from hard-meta. If Pharah gets nerfed (which she will tomorrow for sure), Cass becomes hard-meta and if Cass gets nerfed, Pharah becomes hard meta.

Either both gets a nerf or both get nothing and something else gets buffed to counter either one of them. Cass, despite a huge set of nerfs and changes, remains at the top for no reason.

Cass/Pharah are in every games literally, so it’s only fair that both receive the same treatment.

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My prediction is he’s going to get a double nerf to his health and his bullet size tomorrow


My prediction is that he doesn’t because all the mcchandicap mains cry nonstop when he’s anything but SSS+ tier.

Also, obvious dev bias.


I need a video of your gameplay on cass


I genuinely don’t think I’ve seen this happen like ever lol. I’m still going to play him regardless, but I’m not going to sit here and act like he doesn’t need nerfs

But this doesn’t happen, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen it happen lmao. You’re just making up a fake scenario and getting angry over it

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Literally the entirety of the last 2 years of OW1???

Let it go gramps that was years and years ago

Still relevant if they continue to act in the exact same way.

Its true that sometiles i feel like the cree who just killed me had insane aim.

I watch the killcam…then realize he shot randomly in my overall direction.


Easiest hitscan with 275 hp almost a Mini tank. Nerf this piece of sh

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Same with solder, easy to play heroes for casuals. Exactly what Overwatch lite(also called Overwatch 2) is about