Cassidy nerf when?

im really tired of cassidy carrying every single match.


No aim no effort hero, all high elo Cassidys are boosted by low effort mechanics and he needs to he removed from the game.

(Did I do it right?)


well busted heros are no effort heros

he does need a nerf but venture needs it more

Get off your alt AKJ



he wasnt buffed, hes meta because sojourn is trash and he goes well with the current meta tank who is a brawler.

ashe and soldier arent meta because they fit better with poke tanks.

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They took away his grenade and his bullet fan does less damage. Why would you want more than that?

He’s definitely overtuned at the moment but that could 100% be fixed by giving him smaller bullets. He’s too consistent at the moment

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Pharah can two shot you from the sky and we still have Sombra. What is the beef with a slow character that requires aim?

We gotta have something to compete.

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HAHA but man… what about balance the game??

pharah and sombra need reworks… they are terrible hero designs. but cassidy need small nerfs.

stop justify busted heros because they can counter x hero.

I’m a Cassidy main lol. Pharah and Echo need nerfs too but Cass should also get smaller bullets

They already nerfed and reworked him though. Making him unplayable because people win is silly.

Hitbox change issue. Also pharah is nutty right now so people will play cowboy more often to (try to) counter.

You’re right. The entire support role are no effort heroes. We should nerf them.

I’m so tired of yall using the I love pancakes so I hate waffles logic. Those 2 things are not AT ALL correlated

Cassidy got nerfed and his grenade replaced with an inferior flash bang.

What other nerfs do you need that quick?

Make him 0.05 already. Ashe too probably.