Cassidy nade underwhelming

I for the life of me cannot fathom how this ability is in the game in its current state. It is completely useless against its designed targets ie. Characters with movement abilities, because it doesn’t work on them.

Every single (and I do mean this literally) hero with a dash or movement increasing ability of any type can quite literally ”outrun” it, even when it has started to magnetize towards them. Also, thrown direclty at say, a genji dashing towards you, it doesn’t stick even if it physically passes through them because of the arming time I guess??? So the laughable velocity at which it ”magnetizes” towards a player added to the seemingly year long arm time makes it next to impossible to stick to its desired primary targets.

So it literally doesn’t work as intended AND to add insult to injury, it still feels like crap to be on the receiving end of it as a tank, because god knows they are the only heroes that the ability can actually hit consistantly! They keep taking the majority of them over course of the match on cooldown which is a whole lot of fun for them for sure! :slight_smile: These tanks ofcourse exclude doom and ball because of the reasons stated earlier.

So blizzard, my suggestion is that you remove the armtime and/or make the velocity of the nade after locking on to someone twice the amount it is now so it cannot be outrun. Additionally if the velocity increase doesn’t feel right, make it so that it, after started tracking on, cannot explode early in the air, before sticking to its tracked target. That would fix the infinite amount of frustration the Cass player feels when they see the little pipe explode in the air inches behind the rolling hammond not even in a fireball amount of speed. (This happens nearly every single time you throw one at a moving hammond)


honestly screw the nade, they can delete it for all i care. JUST PLEASE GIVE HIM BACK HIS RANGE FALL OFF FOR CHRIST SAKE. he has nothing blizzard pls :sob:


Agreed, but besides the point. They made the nade to target high mobility heroes in the first place and failed to make it viable against them, so what is its point in the first place? Dunno, but yeah, I’ll trade it for more range anyday xd

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It’s not terrible, but flashbang was stronger.

It’s wack they nerfed the cooldown to 12 seconds, the same as anti when anti is stronger.

Cass needs range on his gun to be viable

I genuenly feel it is. Its as if blizzard made a pair of scissors that cannot cut paper. Whats the point?

I, did not realize they were the same cooldown.

That is wild lol


only thing it helps me kill consistently is moira and illari who aren’t difficult to aim on anyway

Enough sus rating, time for the taste test

Its just very strange because sometimes the nade homes and sometimes you throw it directly at them and it just sits there then hits the ground