Cassidy is mid, needs a new ultimate

Terrible damage falloff, lost flashbang for a mid grenade, burst damage was nerfed with the season 9 hp changes, Deadeye is the worst ultimate in the game. Give Cass a new ultimate already.

Waited two years for a new dps hero and we get this monstrosity of a hero Venture with short range, no abiliity to headshot, rat hero digging underground. When you could have gave us Cassidy 2.0 and saved the game. Paladins released their second handgun hero Saati two years ago.


AKJ did your main get banned


His ult is so good though. I love having my ult be no more than a reload with shiny animations. :joy:


The game didn’t need saving, and if it did the devs wouldn’t be adding a basic braindead hitscan to save it.

If the ult was rapid reloads with flashy animations, it’d still be better than…whatever his ult is called. I always call it “Noon”.

This isn’t working! This hasn’t worked yet, and they kept trying with the likes of Sojourn and what not. Your pro MLG damage heroes aren’t attracting players, the “braindead” heroes being nerfed into irrelevancy isn’t working, so why can we admit that?

Overwatch needs to just be fun to attract people. None of this stupid balance that has ruined the game, it just needs to be fun.


Cass is mid? At what rank? In plat he is the best counter for half the roster.


Sojourn brought in massive hype, you had Apex pro’s Timmy, Aceu playing her, even Halo pro’s like Formal. Most entertaining ow2 has ever been on twitch

And they would immediately leave upon realizing that this game isn’t a real fps.

The only skill you need is aim. Everyone else needs that and more.

GM Tracer main. I have to aim AND think like a god so try again.

You listing three pros isn’t “massive hype”. What were the player numbers when sojourn dropped, and how does that measure up now? The fact that Sojourn launched with overwatch 2 should inflate her stats in that regard, right? But I can also argue Junker Queen made the game more popular for that same reason.

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Tracer is the most broken dps, most broken mobility in the game. Tracer players are boosted, stop thinking you’re good at the game. 400 people in top 500 have Tracer as their top 3, 40 in top 50.

And yet you could never be as good as I am. Crazy, isn’t it?

Pipe down. There are very few people on here that can win a skill debate with me and you’re not one of them.

two of those streamers Aceu and Timmy have more views than the whole overwatch category almost. Aim/ movement gods

if Cass was on the same level as Tracer i’d farm you

Cassidy is the most played DPS right now

Right, so when was your main banned, AKJ?

I know you’re him or you’re at least copying him just by the way you write. You ran away from a 1v1 with me. I won’t let you forget that. You won’t ever farm me. You won’t ever reach my level, let alone surpass it.

Cass is literally meta right now, even in pro play.


Flashbang would have been really useful for all the dive and flankers running rampant and tearing apart the backline.

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Ok stop it stop it they’re already dead!
Anyways you have good points but no offense you sound like a D!sney twist villain
Respectfully of course

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Cass is a hitscan and therefore a top dps


I agree. I honestly don’t think bringing back flashbang would be the worst thing ever. It’s not like they’re completely honoring the “only tanks have cc” thing anymore anyway.

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I’ve been reading Noblesse :skull:

Look, I tend to talk like characters I like after reading a good book, and right now I’m in a very Frankenstein mood. So I’m a bit cringe, I’ll admit

EDIT: At least I didn’t tell him to kneel

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