Cass Flashbang is useless

This is the hardest nerf since the first Hog 1 tap nerf.

The Nade has no range, so you have to basically facehug anyone to use it. It doesn’t really do anything that helps Cass as it doesn’t stun and just makes him a throw pick now.


Confused Junkrat, Sym and Hanzo noises.

You guys don’t know what a real nerf is.


Compared to how pampered hitscans are, this probably is the most significantly nerfed they have felt.


Good thing your primary is among the best in the game fully capable of carrying any hero to A rank minimum

It’s ok tho baby girl us syms will trade you a worthless turret for your flashbang if you really can’t make it work.


Cuz Cass is not supposed to be good at long range.

He is a short-medium ranged hitscan dps with frontline capabilities for close range encounters (high hp pool, soft cc)

Flashbang being a short ranged ability is just healthier for the game.

Yeah true, these people don’t get it. I, of course, can relate as Kiriko got completely dumpstered with a 1 second longer TP cooldown.

I have zero issues with McCree getting nerfed. I won’t call for it, but if Blizzard sees fit to nerf him, I’m okay with that.

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I was a SYM main before. They range nerf to her beam was devastating.

I think it is better than the the most recent version of mag nade. I ain’t as good as the old flash bang, but still isn’t bad.

I mean its an aoe hinder now, granted with less range

It’s basically a high-risk weapon now if you have to get into reaper or venture range to use it.

at least u can sneak up behind someone and kill-combo them with flashbang and right click if they dont react within .5 seconds