My career profile for last season isn’t reporting the correct stats. For example I select “Competitive - Competitive Season 28 - All” and it shows Mercy as 14 minutes played 102 games won. That’s obviously wrong. If I select “Competitive - Competitive Season 28 - Open Queue” it looks correct. Looks like the “All” menu option is missing certain heroes (Mercy, Lucio, Ana, etc. in my case). This only started after the season 29 reset.
I have this issue as well. Seems to happen to people who had played both open queue and role queue in season 28… Blizzard please look into this!
me too I have 36 game won on zarya and only 20 mins
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I am also having this same problem, and have had it for quite some time now. All my stats are definitely not up to date. Is there a way to update or solution?
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Has people try to uninstall the game and installing it back? Does that work?
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60 days since this post was created and nothing has been done about it. It hasn’t even been acknowledged by a single forum mod or anyone who works at blizzard. What is up?