Career Profile out of game won't update

Title, I noticed that when the summer games patch went live, nothing updated anymore.

To be honest I’m just trying to see how many games I’ve played total lol

(Like, inaccurate SR and stats when you click someone’s name on the forums)


I’ll second this. My profile hasn’t updated in a while, and the Summer Games patch coincides with the time frame. I’ve played multiple times since then, and tried to check my profile every time. Still hasn’t refreshed with the new data.

Hopefully it gets fixed relatively soon, I don’t want to get 50 games without realizing and ruin the moment u.u

Isn’t this related to the lost competitive progress bug?

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I do not believe so, everything in-game is safe, but if you check my career profile from the forums, my hours, stats, and even SR are very inaccurate and reflect prepatch.

So it’s totally the other way around?? :open_mouth:

Yeah exactly that, its kind of frustrating because I lost count of my games ;/

blizzard pls fix fast

I think it isn’t the other way around, it’s probably just that the online career profiles are stuck at the time just before the update and so people who lost their current season 17 progress can still see their rank from before the summer games update, because it is frozen in place there. Which maybe means that the rank is actually lost for those people and it’s not just a display bug for them. For everyone else it’s just the frozen profile on the web browser.

It’s been a week now, and my online career profile ( is still stuck, unable to be updated since the Summer Games update launched. Every other profile I’ve checked suffers from the same problem.

Same here, i hit 2635 sr but i still with that 2499 xD , and i can’t see my stat and what do i have to improve :confused:

UPDATE: My main account is now updating, although my alts & nearly all my friends can’t update still.

There are clearly massive database issues going on at Blizzard. It’s like they have multiple database servers (not unusual) and that data isn’t syncing between them all correctly. It’s kind of concerning. I wonder how they’ll manage to consolidate everything.

Update again: 2 of my accounts are accessible.

This has been fixed, someone can close this thread .