PC, Battlenet
Open “carrer profile”
on the “OVERVIEW” dashboard try changing the competitive season.
Expected behaviour
Stats displayed should be from the selected season.
Current behaviour
Selecting [SEASON 1], [SEASON 2] or [CURRENT COMPETITIVE SEASON] all show the same stats:
role ranks are displayed as “–”
games won stat is cumulative from all three seasons
“hero comparison” stats are cumulative from all seasons
“STATISTICS” tab, per hero view has equivalent behavior
(probably lesser related bug) “OW1 …” seasons: only some seasons are visible (33,34,35, and 36) and display no stats, but only “final” and “season high” rank and SR, “STATISTICS” tab per hero shows no stats
Same thing for me, hopefully they fix it in the next patch
Likewise, I am not sure what caused it or why there is not a bigger uproar about this but a fix is needed
I am also experiencing this issue
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Same. I am so annoyed. Call me names, but I adore stats and I basically play just for it. This bug, which is going mostly unnoticed save for this thread, is draining my will to play.
Call me names, and fix the bug please. Or at least acknowledge it.
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If you want to be able to see your current season’s profile, you have to play 1 game of Open Queue and then it will show you your ranks and even your MMR on unplaced roles
source: @OW:SVB twitter
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Same thing, i’m on PC too.
Bug from season 3 last patch.
I can’t see stats of my friends too, it’s the same bug in their career
Same thing here, I have been encountering another that seems to be related, in addition to my stats not tracking and my inability to see my friends list, the actual game can’t track my stats. I have been placed in 6 different ranked lobbies in the last 6 games. I have been in a masters 3 lobby, a gold 2 lobby, a plat 1 lobby, a bronze 5 lobby, a silver 3 lobby, and a top 500 lobby. WTF Blizzard.
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Yep, same here. Very very frustrating.
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Linking my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Incorrect Competitive Career Statistics Page. Any help in spreading the word about this thread would be greatly appreciated.
Have you tested this? I will if you haven’t, just curious before I got back to suffering through the open que goatsfest…
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I have the same problem and it’s really annoying
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I have tested it. It takes one open queue game and it fixes the rank display, although only for the current season. The past seasons remain bugged.
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it’s has been 5 days since S3 launch an they have been unable to fix this, what a joke.
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I wouldn’t care about it if the game didn’t keep putting my gold/silver butt in top 500 lobbies. I haven’t seen anyone else with that problem yet though. I am gonna try the fix, maybe it will stop the weird matchmaking error.
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Career profile is fixed for the season, still getting into randomly ranked lobbies. Really hard to get out of silver when you are put in 3 top 500 lobbies and 2 masters and obviously lose 5 games because of it… Please fix this!
Edit: 2/15/2023 At least they acknoleged my problem… Overwatch 2 Ranked Mode is BROKEN! - YouTube
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