I have gone 289W 58L out of 349 games with 2 draws, and have ranked down. Some people are just hitting this bug and some aren’t. Perhaps coincidently, my profile is bugged still. I won my last 65 games in a row and went DOWN a rank after my last placement. That can’t be intended. Many others hit the same bug. At least I’m in silver 4 now.
Out of totally random curiosity, do you believe in the lunar landing conspiracy theory?
I’m only half joking.
In all seriousness, you should read the latest dev diary/blog post from Uncle Aaron, it explains a lot of what you are talking about.
Edit: From what I’ve personally expeirenced, the roles have been matching well enough. you can have a bronze tank and grandmaster supports on one team, but that means that the supports on the other team are grandmaster as well. Also the enemy tank will be bronze. Uncle Aaron explained it a lot better then me.
Support is the classic hard role to rank up tbh… Especially if you are a mercy player, see if you can get some VOD reviews - playing as someone like Ana or Bap can change the game completely in your favour
Its not that Mercy is bad… It’s that Mercy is only as good as her team mates and if you are in bronze fighting bronze, you have to rely on your DPS being better bronze than the other bronze lol
True, but in my experience, most of the time the 3 roles have differently ranked players. I had a game last night with two masters, tanks 4 gold supports, and 4 bronze dps. I think because so few people are in bronze, your better of playing mercy, as you have a high chance of having silver-platinum dps players. Just my opinion, If you want to get gud, so to speak, you are best off doing what the other guy said, as it is hard to carry a game on mercy 100%, and not so much on zen, brig, or Ana.
I mean I guess? But even then based on what you are saying you are rolling the dice - half the players profiles are hidden and you have no idea what rank they are
All im saying is if you wanna climb as supp, Mercy has always been the hardest - She has no utility whatsoever, whereas other supp’s can immo, sleep nade etc
The only way to do it is to find a Eboy who is a soldier main and boost yourselves together haha
With all those influencers smurfs, derank smurfs, boosted accounts, purchased accounts, “my main is already master I can play silly with this account”, you can’t be sure that the grandmaster is a real grandmaster and the bronze a real bronze.
I saw too many teams where the balance between roles was not there to suspect that someone cheated with their real level, and this phenomenon is not rare, it is even very widespread, it just watch what happens in League of Legends to guess what happens with fp2 Overwatch 2.
Especially in the metal ranks where some players do not play at all with the supposed skill level of their rank, and often even seem to discover the game.
And if overwatch 2 wasn’t the current disaster it would be even worse.
His explanation is easy to follow and while it does alleviate things, the question is why do it in the first place?
The only reason that makes sense to me is smurf detection.
Get stronger players out of the lower ranks quicker before they grief players too much. Sure.
But why not match ranks within their ranks instead of mixing it up the way they do?
“We wont be going back to the overwatch 1 model” is what was said…why?
Why does silver need to play with diamond in the first place when clearly the lower ranks are going to struggle and the higher ranks will expect more from them than they are capable of.
After a few yo-yos between gold and plat I finally got into diamond this season and apparently that’s where I’m staying now. Just had my last rank adjustment after going 5-12… dia 4 to dia 4 lol. Even though just last week I was ranking down in plat going 5-3.
After being in gold, plat and diamond this season I’ve come to the conclusion that it makes absolutely no difference whatsoever. In gold I would be getting diamond players and in diamond I regularly see gold. So really what’s the point when you’re in the exact same matches?
You might be experiencing either the bug that prevents your rank from being adjusted or the bug in which during a rerank, your initial rank is demoted five subdivisions before the adjustment takes place. There’s tons of posts under my thread about players with those exact bugs if you’d like to read more about it. Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment. Any help in spreading the word about this thread would be greatly appreciated.
Same here, only it was this season. I went from Bronze 5 (irked me, I had great games for qualifiers but far too many leavers & poor support so it took a while solo queue tank). I went on to win nearly all the next 6 matches but it didn’t even rank me up. Kept me in Bronze 5. I continued to push & after next wins, Bronze 4 … then won 6/10 got Bronze 3 yesterday. I went on and got another 6 wins out of 10 played only to be demoted to Bronze 4!! Like, WTF!! And it’s not like I’m not doing anything either. My performance has been something I’ve been pretty proud of. It just doesn’t seem right.