Cant seem to rank up - Anyone else?

Oh no, I’ve been exposed, I’ve played so many tank games there’s no conceivable way I could be gold on tank and masters on support. With a grand total of 19 tank matches since season 34 of OW1, 12 of which happened in S1 of OW1, I should be at least diamond!

For real tho, it’s sort of tempting to just play tank for one evening and get higher than your peak which you so desperately fought for. The mental anguish it would cause you would be delightful.

Also you keep using the word “illiterate” quite a lot. I don’t think it means what you think it means. Would you happen to have just learned it recently? Seems to be a common theme for egotistical people with less than adequate intellect, like yourself.

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Please do, then I can laugh at you when you drop to silver!

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Well, didn’t go as high as I hoped in one sitting, but I’m pretty confident it’s already higher than your peak anyway. Let me know if it’s not, I’ll just win a few more.

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Dude my peak was top 500, you’ve proven you’re not gold and that you are way better than a guy whose hand got crushed when he got hit by a car, congrats, you don’t have nerve damage, but you’re still a jackass and an idiot, who is hard stuck masters at best, high diamond at worst. My peak post injury is platinum 1 on dps, diamond 5 on tank, and platinum 4 on support, so you beat that. Also, if anyone from Blizzard is reading this MY profile is still bugged af none of my stats from the last few seasons of ow1 are on it. Also could you tell customer support to stop ghosting me? On the bright side, I am not jumping around the ranks anymore and have now been able to climb to bronze 2 from bronze 4/5.

Edit: I found other people with my same problem on here and thought I’d share as the photo sharing link is supposedly “broken”

There are 3 in this thread alone, one is masters and playing 3-4 ranked brackets below where he was, also with an insanely high mmr/winrate. I have been playing a ton of games now and my mmr is back up to 89% from 57%, but my profile is still bugged. My kdr on gengu is back to 5.8something.

Edit: I made some friends in bronze who I was stacking with, and we lost a ton of games by queueing into another stack that had a platinum 1 player and 2 gold 3 players in it but I taught them a lot of stuff and we had a ton of fun. 2 of them broke into high silver from what they learned!


Fair, you say? You think this is a fair competitive game you are playing?

It is neither fair nor competetive.

Overwatch is an social engagement platform to keep you clicking on the Buy button in the Shop to show other people what you’ve purchased. That’s all.

Acti-Blizz even have a patent on doing this.

Google " System and method for driving microtransactions in multiplayer video games"

This is why they’ve reduced queue time to almost nothing for most players. It keeps people in the game so they can see all the other skins on other players that they could buy. That’s what the patent was designed to do - to make money off you from buying skins - not for creating fair, competitive matches using a fair MMR system.

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youre not alone, theres a bunch of people complaining about the same thing at the end of this guy’s thread, go comment on that threat, hopefully blizzard takes action

Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs

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The matchmaker, which Blizzard intentionally decided should be some kind of fake forced 50% participation trophy crap, is the main problem with this game.

It’s always been like that, and I’ve been saying nothing will be done about it until the top players start to see it. Thankfully, they now see how horrible it is and are speaking up.

I can say one thing, Blizz better change it FAST or they will lose everyone with Top 500’s already saying “rigged” “losers queue” and “fake”

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I can rank up, its just when you rank down is the annoying part.

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I am the person in that comment. I gave up on competitive overwatch. Not worth it. I know that I’m not a gold player and smurfing in lower elos is not fun or enjoyable to me. The fact that blizzard forced me to Smurf is just disgraceful. I wanna improve my gameplay by playing with similar ranked peers, not bully lower elos.

I won 70 games before I stop playing and for 14 “rank-up” screens I saw my rank being promoted from gold 2 to gold 1 to gold 3 to gold 1 to gold 2. It didn’t matter how many sleeps I had in the game, how much my accuracy was, how much healing, how many enemy ults canceled through sleep, didn’t matter if I was aggressive and got more kills than the enemy dps, also didn’t matter if I just nanoed my teammates off cooldown.

None of that mattered and I helped my friend climb to diamond all the way from gold with these useless wins. If I ever get banned for smurfing, just know that I have plenty of posts in this forum complaining about my inability to rank up due to this glitch that has never been addressed.

Farewell overwatch, you tried to become a different (neighbor game) but you couldn’t even copy the “streamer mode” in which they just use the agents name instead of P****r (player) name.

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If you really do have a hand disability due to an injury, then I’m sorry it happened to you.

However, I have to say it’s quite convenient to only mention it now after daring me to do it, and after I did. I probably wouldn’t have bothered if I’d known beforehand (no pun intended).

It’s also a bit strange how you stressed the fact that my tank rank was lower than your peak, while my tank was Gold 4 at the time, when now you say that your peak is top500, a detail also conveniently only mentioned now, because then even my current peak of master 2 would be below your peak. Even if you were talking about your peak of Diamond 5 as tank, it would still be a strange thing to stress since first of all I don’t play tank, and second of all, G4 and D5 are still quite apart.

As for being hardstuck masters, I’m at my peak right now, having only reached master few weeks ago. My peak before this was D2 in season 1, and I barely played in season 2. So I’m pretty much the opposite of hardstuck.

Again, if you’re honest about your injury, although a bit late, I’m sorry. But it just seems a bit too convenient to be believable. About as believable as having over 90% win rate in 183 games, and still being bronze, as an ex top500 player, all while having nerve damage severe enough that you can’t play above plat level.

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You need more than a simple majority to rank up multiple levels.

Go to career profile - statistics - current season, and post your games played | games won | games lost stats.

On an alt mine is 59 | 35 | 24

And I’ve gone S4 - S3 - S1 - G4 - G2 - G1 - G1 - P5 with a 62.5% win rate.

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I have gone 289W 58L out of 349 games with 2 draws, and have ranked down. Some people are just hitting this bug and some aren’t. Perhaps coincidently, my profile is bugged still. I won my last 65 games in a row and went DOWN a rank after my last placement. That can’t be intended. Many others hit the same bug. At least I’m in silver 4 now.


NVM. Profiles are borked right now.

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Question. If you switch from current season to last season, do those statistics change?

I had a bug for a while where they didn’t. What I needed to do was do one open queue game, and that cleared the statistics bug.

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I did the open queue trick, and it made things worse lol.


Have you considered playing on a different account for the time being, to see if the issue persists there? A larger sample size is always helpful.

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Yeah, I have but all my cool skins are on this one :’(

The other accounts are working fine, it’s just this one that has problems.

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If I win ONE game…

My next three games are against players two tiers higher than me, with teammates two tiers lower.

It’s absolutely re-tar-ded.

Rigged, fake ranks, forced 50%, loser’s queue. It’s all happening, whether Blizz wanted it or not.


Out of totally random curiosity, do you believe in the lunar landing conspiracy theory?

I’m only half joking.

In all seriousness, you should read the latest dev diary/blog post from Uncle Aaron, it explains a lot of what you are talking about.

Edit: From what I’ve personally expeirenced, the roles have been matching well enough. you can have a bronze tank and grandmaster supports on one team, but that means that the supports on the other team are grandmaster as well. Also the enemy tank will be bronze. Uncle Aaron explained it a lot better then me.

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Support is the classic hard role to rank up tbh… Especially if you are a mercy player, see if you can get some VOD reviews - playing as someone like Ana or Bap can change the game completely in your favour

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