Can't Reinstall Nor Update Once Installed

My problem began when I first tried to update Overwatch 2 on April 30th. It came up with an error code, so I tried to follow the directions shown when I clicked the error code link. These steps didn’t fix my problem, so I tried other methods. I’m not sure what I did, but I then got errors even opening I didn’t know of any other things to do, so I restored my computer to two days prior to be able to access again. I was still getting errors, so I then tried uninstalling Overwatch 2 and from my computer. They wouldn’t uninstall, both came up with an error message when I tried uninstalling them. I did delete all the files and was able to uninstall both and Overwatch 2, but now I’m unable to reinstall It comes up with an error,

“We can’t connect you to the patch service. Please check your internet connection and try again. More help: BLZBNTBTS00000028”

Despite the more help link not working, I was able to find the fixes they recommend for this error and I followed all of them and it still doesn’t work. Any help would be appreciated.

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