Cant register phone number

Yeah lets just punish actual users for a small problem section of the community. Cool, cool, cool.


I understand why people are upset. But as a volunteer here, I can’t change the minds of Blizzard’s devs or legal team.


Nobody can. They come up with an idea, and their ego prevents them from caring when they get considerable backlash for it.


They switched my region after five days. Now I cant get a verification code to be sent to my phone so back into ticket limbo I go. This is easily the worst experience for a game launch and customer service. (Not on a prepaid, swapped SIM cards with my partners phone, checked all my carriers spam filters, checked other services and received their SMS messages, nothing worked)


Overwatch 2 will fail


I swear this is some sort of malicious compliance thing. They are trying to make OW2 fail at this point.

I’ve heard people say not to use that…
I think someone in a different thread said they took the number off of their account.
Not sure how true that is just yet…

Support doesn’t respond to anything they can’t answer. You’ll just get the automated bot response

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do you have a photo id with your name and address on it?

It is Blizzard confidence that does not care about its users that is trying to make it fail.

as someone who lives in the same country he lives in I can tell you, No

I sent my ID.
But since I used my registered name as a handle, I had to prove my real name.
I have attached a credit card statement (from Overwatch) with my real name on it to prove my real name.

It took a week to finally get the country/region changed.
I did not know what was needed to solve the problem and had to attach various certificates.

As for the SMS verification, I was lucky and was able to register without any problems.
However, I will probably refrain from purchasing skins, etc. in the future.
If the SMS protection remains the same in the future, I will not trust this company.

I am still waiting, 2 days since last reply and had to submit a utility bill, previously I submitted my ID.


Yeah, I’m waiting for support to get back to me too.
Apparently my phone number is attached to a Blizzard account already… just not my Blizzard account. Not sure how that happens, but been waiting on them to remove it from whatever account its attached to, so then I can attach it to my account.

Not sure why them sending my phone number a text to verify it’s mine and then lock it in to my account isn’t enough. They needed my drivers license, a picture of my phone bill.
Just waiting for them to ask me for a vile of my blood next.

Either way, about to hit a week and still can’t attach my phone number to my account.
At least their decision to do this is right on par with all of their other decisions. Just bad.

Try this:

Thanks for trying.
Unfortunately this method didn’t work for me.
Never logged into Activision before, but did a password reset with my email. Got a password set and logged in, but there wasn’t a phone number attached to the account.
Tried another email I have, just in case, but it didn’t even send the password reset email (I’m guessing cause there isn’t an account set up with that email).
Don’t have any other emails, so I’m assuming this is not the issue I am having.

I bought OV1 full price, now I can’t play ov again because of that stupid sms thing, and they already took down ov1’s server, so there’s no coming back to ov1
probably one of your reasons why you made it F2P is because to gather a large amount of players, but with that sms thing, players like me already turned off before playing that god damn game, get your $h1+ together Blizzard, you’re becoming worst that EA

Yeah my guess on this.

Look at Blizzards stock price the last few months. Decline decline decline.

The post paid requirement is within that timeline and I do not think that that’s a coincidence.

My theory: Blizzards board of investors demanded that Overwatch requires a account verified with a postpaid number for the sole reason of having an accurate count of live and active players.

They want more solid data on the playerbase since the 40 million players number thrown out by the OW team years ago was quickly dismissed because people have multiple accounts

It has absolutely nothing to do with smurfs. It has nothing to do with spam bots or scams.

Its just that Blizzard has lost so much since the sexual harrasment incident that they’re bending to every whim from their investors. They want to know the playerbase so they know what kind of revenue to expect

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