Cant register phone number

Which carrier is it?

is by any chance Lebanon once of the supported countries? I live in the U.S but my friends need a region chance to Lebanon.

Metro PCS. I have called and they confirmed that it IS post-paid. I am still receiving zero help from support. I can’t find an option for live chat either. I’m sure there are MANY people having a similar issue. The system Blizzard uses is a mess. Just saying.

Metro is owned by T-Mobile and uses its towers. However, they only sell prepaid phone plans. If you check their site, the title is “Prepaid Phone Plans | Pays As You Go | Metro by T-Mobile.” Additionally, the site description says, “At Metro by T-Mobile (formerly MetroPCS), we offer affordable prepaid wireless plans for a wide range of no-contract phones and devices.”

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well mine is and it works…


Seems like a mistake on Blizzard’s end, but I guess it’s good for you lol

yea indeed… iam from europe, otherwise i wouldnt be able to play the game i paid money for i guess. so lucky !

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But why not prepaid phone users? How is this fair, the vast majority either own prepaid phones due to whatever circumstances they may have and or have a life style with no phones, again how is this fair to those who put in thousands of hours and played the gane for 6+ years, tbh this system isnt going to stop smurfing but will affect the actual players who only have one account basically your model player with dedication


I have the same problem. I’m Korean but my account is a US account. I heard overseas accounts can’t be changed to the Korean account because of Blizzard policy. Although I have my own phone, I can’t verify it because of the country. This is absolutely problematic.


To be fair, all they said was that a mobile phone number needs to be linked to your bnet account. They never specified that it had to be a post-paid one.

So when it’s now asking for everyone to link their number in the bnet launcher and all that, people are running into this problem so close to the launch.

They’ve got no one to blame other than themselves. And they’re totally silent on the matter. Blizzard that is.

Not having a go at you btw :sweat_smile: I know you’ve got nothing to do with it personally


Interesting how I am paying 136 dollars a month for a “pre-paid” phone plan. Blizzard needs to figure this out. Fast.


Blizzard doesn’t care about the tickets, they won’t respond most likely at all. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


Yup, they say 24 hours time of response but it’s usually 5-6 days when they’re fast :sweat_smile:


Who would have thought one day that we should considered ourselves lucky for our phone number being accepted so we could still play Overwatch in 2022 (a game we paid for in 2016 :p)… ?

I don’t even get how we can humour around this. It’s actually quite sad for the future of video gaming. I hope other companies never follow that Blizzard’s awful idea.


I don’t work at Blizzard, so I can’t tell you exactly why they decide the things they do. But if I guessed, I’d say to combat spammers and scammers who swap phones to make new accounts/sell them.

This requirement was in place the moment Blizzard started offering 2FA via SMS. I don’t recall the exact moment they announced this SMS requirement to log in for Overwatch 2 and other titles, so I can’t comment on the language used.

Pricing has nothing to do with the classification of prepaid vs postpaid. Prepaid users will also have a monthly bill.

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But most people didn’t know that because they won’t have had to link their number before. So they’ve come to do it now and are unable to and now they can’t even play the game they’ve been waiting for.

Fair enough about not commenting on the language used. But they never mentioned anything about it having to be a post-paid number when we first learnt about it for OW2. Which in my opinion they should have made very clear.


I was told that the name on the account was not my real name because it was a handle and refused to change the country setting.
Customer support should be able to verify my identity from my payment information, but they don’t seem to be able to do that.
All access history is also in Holland, not Japan, but they do not accept changes in settings.


This is why I’m super scared. I used my handle for my name too so if I move or change phone numbers and something goes wrong my account is just gone.


For all the people that have issues because of text messages, this is what you do.

  1. On your phone, install the app called talkatone. It works for iphone, android, etc.
  2. Create an account, etc.
  3. It will give you a burner phone number that you can use. It’ll appear as a us number.
  4. Use that to bypass the blizzard vertification.

Note: Make sure to change your number every 30 days OR pay the subscription to keep the number. The free account accepts free incoming text messages, no need to pay.

There, solved all your problems.

Internet literate people do not usually enter their real names in these forms.
I do not want to lose the account I have spent 6 years growing.
I used to buy every time a new skin was released.