Not sure if this is some kind of bug with sr or not but it seems genuinely impossible to rank up in comp deathmatch? Idek how people have gotten to masters. Once I got to diamond 5 I came top 4 legit 70 games in a row, with my avg record being 3 1st places and 2 2nd places, and after those 70 wins I am still diamond 5 lol. I’ve been grinding it heaps and managed a few consecutive sets of 1st place, and even that hasn’t gotten me above diamond 4. Ik that winning in lobbies with an avg sr below ur sr generally doesn’t give as much mmr, but this is like insane levels of sandbagged sr.
I also found that almost every time without fail, each win will very slowly move me up ranks in t500, but the 5th win of the set will almost always put me down about 80 ranks, even if its a 1st place.
I remember from ow1, for some reason 3k flat sr was VERY crowded in deathmatch. It seemed like once u got to 3k it was crazy hard to climb and there was so many people stagnated there for some reason. It seems the same now, cos I began plat 2 and going 5-0, all 1st place, would only change the % higher than by about 10%.