Can't play DPS, but I placed higher than healer?!

I have played tank and heal a lot more than DPS since OW came out. Basically because I’m not very good at fast aiming. I do like playing DPS, as the team needs it and for fun. But I’m not great and need to play with others at low skill level. I’m an OK tank and healer though.

So I was extremely surprised to see that despite losing all 5 DSP matchs, (probably because of me… I was awful) I placed higher than my healer rank, which I won/lost 3/2 I think.

This is a serious problem for me, because if I want to play DPS I have to play with people much better than me. I can’t out DPS the other team. I get moaned at and essentailly have to stop playing DPS in ranked.

I want to play ranked DPS to improve, but I want to be placed at a suitable level, like low silver.

Why did I get placed so high DPS? All 3 role ranks were around 100 SR of last seasons end SR. I think this is a flaw in the role queue logic.


Blizzard have no idea where to rank you, so they made a system that basically goes hurdyhurr and then places you too high on the rank ladder. Personally I see it as the system exposing blizzard’s own design flaw of rewarding non-cooperative behaviour (not grouping, doing solo stuff, getting big plays mostly) in dps much more than in other roles.


Same problem

I rarely tank and with these placements I rank 400 points higher as tank than as healer (which I main in competitive). The system is completely broken. I can’t believe this sh*t to be honest.


Because whereas you may think your support and tank player is better, the reality is whereas you might ‘survive’ you are having not as much impact in your matches.

Climbing is all about the impact you have in your matches. If you are the tank that waits for the DPS to get a pick, or the support who just dumps healing onto tanks who just sit in the choke, you may feel like you are contributing, but you are actually having negligible ‘impact’ on the outcome of the match.

For DPS, to have ‘impact’ is objectively easier. Simply get a pick or 2 and then it should be just a numbers game for your team to win (for the most part).

For tanks, you need to be getting in the enemy’s face and getting a ‘pick or 2’ from whichever squishies are out of position or from just slamming down the enemy tanks (if you aren’t doing this, you aren’t actually taking or making space).

For supports, you need to be either: supporting the tank or DPS who is doing the work, or enabling someone who is trying to do so at the SAME time AS getting value from your kit to enable your team. If nobody needs healing then you too can contribute to the win condition just as per the DPS (landing long range shots as Ana on flankers or firing into the cluster/lining up your antis etc)

Tanks and supports are wildly misunderstood for the most part, tanks probably more so, but you need to be doing pretty much exactly what the DPS are doing AS WELL AS doing whatever your primary role should be doing. Overwatch like it or not isn’t just a strategy game, it is still an FPS at its core and you need to get or enable picks to win.

Just ‘healing’ or ‘shielding’ are neither, you are putting your team at a disadvantage.

Welcome to the more ‘strategic’ roles.


I’m in the same situation! Although I’ve only done one of my dps placements, I already had someone complain about my (reasonably) poor performance which doesn’t make me want to keep playing. Also my support is WAY better than my tank yet I got placed around the same. Placements are wonky.

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Are you seriously suggesting i’m better DPS than healer? I want you to think carefully about the evidence you have for that statement. And how bad I know I am at dps. And if you think I can’t heal, what evidence do you have for that? Or are you suggesting that SR is not bounded by a ± maximum, and that when blizzard have very little info on a role’s scoring (low sample data) the algorithm can still work out something accurately?

Edit: And when you say “impact” and I just need “2 picks” as dps… if I get none in a game my team flames me, for the 5 placements, how exactly does that equate to high gold vs mid gold healer and high gold tank?

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No, I am saying it is quite possible you are a better DPS than ‘support’. Don’t confuse the terms healer and support, they are different things. If all you do is heal as support you will only get so far.

No need to think, here it is for you again (check the 1st post):

Despite losing your games you contributed more likely because all you do with ‘support’ is heal from your own words.

Because Overwatch has never been about medals. It is more about being in the right place at the right time doing the right thing, which may or may not be reflected in medals.

As an example. I played Mei before she was popular, and one of the reasons I did so was because I often found my tanks struggling so I took it into my own hands although I was playing a DPS. I played a DPS like a tank, and won many matches.

It may well be you are providing more value as DPS than you do as support because you play support as ‘healers’.

Something to think about.


Or it could be there’s not enough data on me as a DPS, so it skews the rank. And of course all placements are within 100 or so SR from your end rank last season. Honestly, you can believe I’m a better DPS than healer, but you are so wrong you don’t understand. I’m old, poor vision, slow reactions and DON’T GET ANY PICKS… I’m not sure you understand that. Like no dmg, no picks, and just die over and over… whereas support I keep team alive, me alive, dmg boost as mercy, dmg as moira, switched to brig to shutdown fist and reaper, was on fire a lot. I played support well in the 5 placements (for gold… we’re not talking diamond!!). But DPS plainly bad, never on fire, and just constantly abused by rest of team. You don’t know, you weren’t there. The numbers don’t reflect the performance.

And i never mentioned medals, you did. I know medals are misleading, everyone has watched the gold medal fallacy on youtube. Cards are more a reflection of you performing your role well. Needless to say I had cards as support, but not as dps.

I’m going to guess lower ranks?, Supporting is broken there.


Whole season’s broken.

Comp has always had people at the wrong sr. This season 10x worse.

Probably won’t settle people into proper sr levels until year end.

Just play best you can and see what you can do with team mates possibly 1500 sr or more boosted.

(One Youtube GM had a plat tank in his game. They lost…).

I used to think i was a MUCH stronger healer than dps. I placed and maintained a several hundred points higher on dps while i just didnt go anywhere on support.

Just play and dont worry about it.

You honestly can be mislead about your strengths and weaknesses. Just because you feel inferior as dps doesnt mean you perform worse than those in your rank. If you do, you will drop immediately with huge losses in sr from pbsr.

A lot of players have a warped view of what correctly ranked dps actually looks like in a game. They are used to seeing a smurf and having the notion “thats what good dps looks like” when in reality its not. Correctly ranked dps DOES still struggle in some of their games. Just because you are struggling doesnt mean you are incorrectly ranked (if you are you will drop ultra fast).

I do feel everyone is missing the point. If i’m placed as higher DPS than I am capable, I lose every game and it’s incredibly frustrating and un-rewarding.

Imagine you’ve never played the game before, but you’re always placed with top 500s. That clearly is demoralising and you don’t really learn anything. You sink further and eventually give up. It’s an exaggeration of the position I’m in now to explain the point.

Being placed artificially high is simply not helpful to me or my team mates.

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Maybe you out performed many people in the rank you were last season as a tank. Maybe tank is the role you should have been on all along.

xQc also complained about this issue, and someone from the dev team checked the data (and some previous games) and said that he had performed well previously on all roles so the SR was correct.

I suspect you are not giving yourself enough credit here. Or just looking for a reason for it to be wrong.

Better results post beta. This time approx 2480 tank, 2560 healer and 2300 dps. Goes to show the beta placements were just plain wrong.

My DPS score still way too high, as 3 of the games I was dead so often I spent most of my time not engaging anyone, just travelling to point/battle.

nobody knows how SR calculations work :joy::rofl:

but it takes a long time to be accurate…

play 5-10 more games on dps and see where you end up. Beta placements were generous for unplayed roles but you lose sr so fast its not that inaccurate.

5 games just isn’t enough to get a good idea of where you should be. You could have 5 games where you popoff due to circumstances randomly being in your favor.

Just play the game and don’t worry so much about numbers

Seemed less “generous” and more “sticking you within 100-200 of your main role SR regardless of your performance”

Feels like it would have been safer to err on the side of caution and assume most people are a bit worse at their off roles, then quickly (none of this 20+ games to get to the proper rank garbage) adjust upwards if that is incorrect

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In my own experience i am about 1700ish player when roles were joined.

When they were separated i placed around 1300 for tank, the role im worst at. Within 4-5 games i was 1100.

Sr cant be correct if you dont play the games. You cant just do the placements and expect that you will be accurately placed after 5 games. Have to play at least a couple games to give the game time to adjust you. It does not take 20+ games to be in the ballpark of your correct rank.

it´s pretty simple, in terms of score to SR kills are more important than healing because kills are an absolute number in the case of a match, but heals, just like damage is just a “for show” number, in the case of a healer seems to be more important to heal an almost dying teammate rather than healing and keeping it safe, as for tanks looks like cancellations and dps are what count as more important for SR ranking.