Cant load the game

Since the last few days the when I press play on the launcher it says “launching” for 6-7 seconds then just says “play” again and doesn’t launch the game

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Hello, usually this is due to other apps blocking Bnet from launching. Common issues are Razer drivers, antivirus apps, and other overlays. You can usually spot them if you export a DxDiag and read the errors at the bottom.

Mine did this the other day and happens more often than people think. My antivirus isn’t blocking it, I own no Razer drivers, and I won’t use any overlays.

The fix I do is either restart my computer or use task manager to completely shut it down and try again. Last time this happened it took five tries. Not even joking lol. This was an issue in OW1 as well.

You likely have something controlling the display still open in the background and that’s why a reboot fixes it. Everyone uses their computer differently, but I have never run into this issue since OW beta. That’s why I make the suggestions I do since I don’t run any of those apps.

Task manager reports that and Overwatch are not running, and no programs or services affiliated with the game are running either. I’m trying to understand what you mean, but this does not make sense with the information that has already been provided.

“I don’t have this problem therefore it does not exist…”

If you do not have anything to add that aids in the troubleshooting process, please refrain from responding to every troubleshooting thread. Thank you.


The fix I do is either restart my computer or use task manager to completely shut it down and try again. Last time this happened it took five tries.

Task manager reports that and Overwatch are not running, and no programs or services affiliated with the game are running either.

So this doesn’t count as adding anything to aid the troubleshooting process…

Everyone uses their computer differently, but I have never run into this issue since OW beta.

…but this does? Gotcha

…please refrain from responding to every troubleshooting thread.

I’m not responding to “every” troubleshooting thread. I respond to the ones that I feel I have beneficial information for. But hey, thanks for keeping me in mind. Makes me feel special.

Edit: Thanks Nicole for locking this thread because you didn’t like how someone responded to your below average responses and you couldn’t bear to admit fault. Real mature from a “Tech MVP”. Get over yourself

The most recent responses did not add anything, and a mod removed them.

Only quoting the tail end of one of my replies to make your case is pointless.

Stop trolling.

Note: MVPs cannot moderate, the only ability they have that other players do not is their text is green.