Cant join Voice chat Ps4

I Cant join voice chat once i click on group chat or team chat i get mute on my profile and i cant unmute it and also i didnt join the voice chat, And Yesterday i suddenly joined the voice chat and they hear my voice as a robot and i also heared them like that then i tryed to join group chat again i couldnt, Pls help me with all possible solutions (Ps4)

First check these standard steps:

  1. Confirm you are not muted
  2. Unplug or turn off any additional controls that may be connected to your console
  3. Reset any button mapping to default

Otherwise you will likely need to reach out to PlayStation support as voice chat issues on PS4 are often limited to technical issues related to specifically the console.

Why does it let me join often suddenly, There must be something i change or do in router settings and its the same for fortnite too But for other games voice chat works fine
I think its because Channels mode in Overwatch and fortnite but black ops 4 there are no channels for voice so i can usd voice chat easily
Pls help me.