Can't a girl catch a break?!

So basically I’m tired of toxic people or leavers in my games. I get a lot of slack when I talk in game for being female even tho like 1/4 of the community is. I just want some semi normal fun people to play qp or comp with and just have a good time.
I am 2500 right now.
I usually play support or tank but I can fill.
Leave a comment here or add me Serenity#11155.
Good luck in your games!


This girl’s relating big times, I’d love to play with you but I’m silver rip (wokring my way up tho so if you want feel free to add River#22305 if you’re on EU and gl <3)

Add me @ ArachnidFear#1969


If you play on the SEA - Singapore server, I can play with you :slight_smile: I’m not a girl, but I really don’t mind if it’s a girl or a guy or even an omnic who I’ll be playing with, just looking to have some good, non toxic games (any mode)

As for my Rank:
Peak 2840, Current 2660 or something, DPS main, really good with Hanzo, Genji and most other DPS (at least Platinum level) looking to break into Diamond this season.

My Region :
I am from south east asia so I play on the Singapore Server which is in the Americas Region. Lemme know if your latency would be fine if you play on that server and we can try and group up.

Theonlyme#1706 - My BTag

Surely if you want to play some games (Comp is not really my interest currently, so QP and Arcade) I’d love to work around with tanks got get some better gameplay done. Sadly one of us is never in voice chat, Either its me at 10PM or later or it’s them.
If you’d like to group up for games, let me hear from ya. Destrolock#2131
Currently my first time in plat :smiley: after 6 Seasons of Mid-High Gold

You asked if I was interested in playing, then never added me…:thinking:

Arachnid, are you on US servers? Our group is lacking a good hitscan. Add me if you’re interested :slight_smile: bevychan#1925


Sorry it hasn’t worked out for us to group up yet. Looking forward to getting some games in this week. What time of day do you usually play?

Add me! I couldn’t find your name. Serenity#11155

Added you i’m Articuno#21429!

My name is Tobsge#21286, i forgot to tell last time xD

Who wouldn’t. SoloQ is such a pain :expressionless:

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Looking for more support/tank players to get a fun group going. I’ll add ya!

Hi, seeing as this post has gained a reasonable amount of attention for the LFG section, but not enough for me to drowned out by the sea of people.

Anyone here feel free to add me because I’m playing Overwatch and Fortnite but my friends are playing Fortnite and that’s really it and I need new friends to play with. Yes it has gotten to a point where I cant stand high gold in solo queue. Or quick play for that matter, cause high gold is the same as quick play (the quad or penta dps strat rises), here’s my BT: crazydude#11593

Yes I know its a twelvy name, but I made it when I was like, uh, 12 I think.

Mind you sadly I cant play during the week because boarding is a b***h (yes I manually censored that), so even if I’m playing during weekdays my ping will be something like 150ms and I’ll have to hop off every now and then.

I’ll also add some of you because it’ll be fun to play with some of you all.

Americas BTW

If you are still searching im at the moment at 3.1k FrameFMP#2141

if you want there is a discord here with people that play OW https: // discord .gg/

I would love to add you, not in a creepy way.

Hi Sincerity,

We’re a group of almost 1300+ members in Damage Inc that would be more than happy to welcome you too. We don’t discriminate, but rather welcome anyone.

We are a diversed Community with Casual and Competitive players joined together as a family.
Over 1000+ players all over the globe, with different Races, ages and play style.
We are a sponsored Twitch Team for Esports.
Our community is a strong gaming family with relaxed and focus mind.

We main on different games and Divisions. we have Fortnite, PubG, Overwatch, RocketLeague, Ark, Rust, League of legends, and Many more games.

We are currently looking for all types of players from casual to low and high competitive players.
You dont have to be too good to be able to join, our primary focus is that you enjoy your time. I’m around 1500 ELO myself :slight_smile:

:sparkles: Youtubers and Twitch Streamers are very much welcome.

== IF you are INTERESTED apply here ==


:two: MAKE SURE TO TAG ME IN QUESTION #7 OF YOUR APPLICATION @Calamity I am in the EU Overwatch sector, so I’d be down to play some games myself.
:three: The difference between Elite and Regular is that Elites are Legendary Players and Regulars are comp/Casual. to be eligible for Elite you need to be 4000SR if not Regular players are not that bad, we host a bunch of QP and Ranked games, and we have ranked teams based on your ELO that you’re more than welcome to join.


This is the application form:

Could always use more friends: MrBlack#11357

That’s just a link to discord in general, not to your discord lol

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