Cannot play on US server

Is there some kind of new bug? I am picking up US server in battle net aplication but it always join me to EU server now, it never happened before.


You can’t unless you VPN


No more region picking with this new cross play update. I have been playing on EU all day while having US picked in Battlenet. Now you will mostly play in your own region or be thrown into ME if the Q’s there are too long. Even if you group up with an NA player it is still a 50/50 chance to play on NA.

Edit: Squirrel beat me to it :smiley:


Well this suck big time then…


Bigger than big. That means no Comp for me, since I refuse to play Comp on EU Servers.


I am playing on lower ranked alt and i always use to play in US because low ranks in EU is just pure garbage, no coms, no cooperation, just silence and everyone solo like damn deathmatch. This actualy makes me not play also kind of.

And people doing call outs or flaming in their own native language where no one understands them :smiley:


Yeah it does, almost every EU streamer is using exitlag now. It’s bs that you have to pay $6/month now because blizz thought this was a good idea…

They’ll probably add the server select option back but knowing Blizz it won’t be until OW2 or at least 6 months from now. Hope I’m wrong.


they can go to hell with it. Majority of player base dont like it at all from what i have seen.

Another reason why i am probably done with overwatch for good.


No one likes it thus far. They literally took away our choice and are forcing us to play what we do not want to play.


I for one would prefer hard region lock

Well I’m sure if you send in your vods to the forum someone will help you out. Don’t forget to practice an hour or before everyday.

Don’t be like those Elo hell dudes, they don’t put effort in. With practice and faith in mmr you will raise from those low ranks.


I dont need help, this is not about climbing, this is about communication. I hate to play team game with players who dont even join voice chat. I enjoyed us games a lot more than EU games.

You are trying to be funny to comment like i do but you totaly missed point my friend. I can climb in both EU and US. But i enjoyed company of US people more even by having disadvantage there with ping 135 vs 35 in EU.


See this topic, Sooo... I need a VPN now?

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If you can climb then climb and stop complaining about low Elo. It’s only temporary. Muscle up and enjoy high Elo eu folks.

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I am not complaining about low elo lol. I am complaining about blizzard forcing us on certain servers, i like to have options.

I dont appreciate company of people who dont join voice chat. I could solve that by picking US server where players tend to be present in voice. They have taken option to do it for me.

So i am forced to play with non communicative players or use soft to block EU servers.

I know what are you trying to do here but you are still failing because this issue has nothing to do with rank or climbing.


My bad for getting confused? You are the one sending the signals. Your stuck on EU, don’t like low level eu.

Solution: play on high level eu??

For crying out loud what am I missing here? Want to play US get a VPN?!?! Why is this thread still going?

The fact that i mentioned low rank is because i mostly play on alt and that was kind of only lasting things which kept me going in overwatch. I just wanted to chill lower not being bothered to play at 100%, mostly to enjoy comp with interesting people, having fun in voice sometimes.

Silent EU games are frustrating more than entertaining. Plat in EU is often extremely cringe.

I dont want to be bothered with blocking certain IPs or using VPN.

Go read some topics, people hate this decision blizz made. And it created real issues for some who used to play in different regions for years.

I guess i will start using only LFG or pick zen and squeez any last enjoyment from OW by murdering people on dps support lol.


How about you just stop playing instead of intentionally throwing and ruining other people’s matches.

You and your smurf/alt/whatever you want to call them accounts won’t be missed if that’s your attitude.