Cannot log into Overwatch. Followed all troubleshooting step

I have tried everything in their trouble shooting guide.

Reinstall on battle net. Install on Steam. Updating drivers. 2 different networks. Power cycling internet. Shut off every single firewall and anti virus.

I was able to log in exactly once. Since that day I have not been able to log back in.

Steam will try to connect me repreatedly. attempts to connect me and then asks me to log in again.

Notably I can log into starcraft just fine.

I have scoured the internet for other ideas and have tried everyhting I found. I’ll try anything. I have exactly 0 hope this post will work, but it’s the only thing I have left as support refuses to help further.


I have the same problem, cannot login no matter what I’ve tried on my normal blizzard account.

I tried making another account just to try and it works no problem, we have some weird account issue.

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I’m experiencing this as well. Brand new PC. I have also done everything they suggested to do. I created a ticket because I saw some other people were able to get their issue resolved this way but all i am getting back is a generic message with the same steps and told to comment my issue here. I’ve been a bnet user for a long time and this is the first time I cannot get them to address an issue with a ticket.

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Exactly the same problem here. All the messages I receive from support are generic ones, offering solutions that I’ve already mentioned that I tried (they don’t even care about reading my messages) and finally sending me here to create a new post.

Same issue here. Support completely ignores the fact that I provided steps I did previous to sending in the ticket, and only responded with canned suggestions that told me to do what I very clearly stated that already tried.

Could log in just fine 2 days ago, but have been getting a login loop since, so its definitely not a connection issue and for sure an account issue, as creating a new account can get in with no problems.

Despite not solving the problem, they mark the issue as resolved.
Equally frustrating and infuriating.

Hoping that someone finds a solution for this, but clearly something has to be done on their side for it to work.