Cancellation of PvE is proving costly now

It seems players are migrating over to marvel rivals now as many see it as the superior PvP experience. Even when the MR hype dies down it will still take a big chunk of the OW2 player base. But imagine if the diablo style PvE/story missions actually went through? Now blizzard would actually have something substantial to stand apart from MR. It really is a shame and blizzard has no one to blame but themselves.


Do you know what will be wild? If MR actually comes up with pve before OW.


I dunno, a good PvE experience would draw in certain player’s.

What was offered was not good PvE. They where right the cancel it and try to focus on tightening up the PvP.


It was cancelled because they couldnt make it good enough. They wanted to OW to have pve, tried to make it and simply failed

It is what it is


That would be the killing blow.


Shareholders only had their interest in short-term profit/investments.*


They worked on pve for a long time and it just wasnt good enough. You could say to give them more time until its ready but the company changed hands and the pve team hadnt done enough to justify existing.

sucks for players but firing the team did make sense for the company


As much as I’d love to see the Overwatch team’s faces when that happens, all it would do is make me even more upset at Blizzard for fumbling so hard.


It’s so stupid because the game was originally conceived as a PvE game. Project Titan was supposed to be an MMORPG on the category as Warframe, but turned into Overwatch. Then they kept going back to the concept and failed over and over and over. Meanwhile, games like Darktide, Space Marines, Deep Rock Galactic, Helldivers 2, and a ton of others were conceived and released with massive success while Blizzard drops the ball yet again.


The same thing happened then, they wanted pve but failed to make it good enough.

Microsoft probably realized ow pve is harder to make than it sounds and decided to cut the losses

Not really. It’s simply a new game which is enough to make OW players give it a fair try.

Overwatch is 8 years old.

Marvel Rivals was released this month.

A lot of people will keep playing both games.

When the OW franchise finally releases a brand-new sequel, it will create a new hype as well. F2P Overwatch in 2022 never felt like a brand-new game anyway, which is the main issue.

What they intented for PVE Overwatch would have never been as rich in terms of content. It would have faded away pretty quickly, especially if there was a 4-5 month wait for every new PVE mission.

Overwatch clearly needs a new sequel without any copy-pasted content from the original game.

The playerbase is also at fault because they didn’t want to lose their 2016-2019 skins which pushed OW devs and Blizzard to carry the “progress” to what was supposed to be a sequel (and finally ended up being just a free-to-play switch for Overwatch).

The problem right now is that it’s gonna be even more difficult to move on from F2P Overwatch because it’s only been two years since all those customers started spending hundreds of dollars in pricey cosmetics…

They will never accept F2P Overwatch having less updates for the sake of having devs work on a brand-new sequel… They will never want to let go of the recent skins they paid for.

We’re basically “stuck” (not to use a more colorful language). I wonder if we will ever be able to move on from 2016 Overwatch and start fresh with a real sequel someday.


I feel like this still deserves criticism to be honest. I’ve had a more in depth PVE experience from games that came out back in the late aughts. I understand Blizz’s explanation. But I absolutely think if anything the team has done that deserves criticism, it is how poor the PVE experience was. It was supposed to be a major focal point (arguably the major focal point) for OW2 to be a thing in the first place.


The thing is many expected PvE to be the actual sequel because we all knew the PvP was basically OW1.5. That’s why the cancellation felt like a big slap in the face especially considering blizzard knew it wasn’t going to make it long before they told us.


I dream of the day that OW2 has a Halo-style PvE mode :pray:


Devs admitted they were unable to create a PVE game for Overwatch with that many heroes.

PVE should have been a brand-new game with either new characters from the OW universe or with only half the available cast we had in PVP.

I think it’s safe to say that this PVE project hype in its “2019 form” has clearly died for most OW players. They would rather have a new Overwatch project as a sequel, something fresh, whether it’s a PVE or PVP game…

Maybe even a solo game within the OW universe would do the job.

True, but that’s all in the past now. We need to move on from that 2-3-year old disappointment (and lie we were told).

We got tricked into a new business model for a 2016 game that was P2P originally. We indirectly accepted it (since we keep playing OW and even buy some of the cosmetics).

What we need right now is to show Blizzard and devs that we long for a brand-new Overwatch game and that we’re bored with playing the same OW game for 8 years.

We want brand-new stuff from A to Z (starting from scratch). New heroes, game modes and maps are not enough to keep us hyped anymore.


It was a big failure and that team got fired.

It is what it is. It hurt OW a lot and blizzard as a whole too.

I spit out my soda, that would be actually hilarious and devastating


Trying too hard with the hero talents was the problem. From 3 selected skills out of 6 for each hero to 15x3 modifiers to pick from for each hero. They should have stuck with the simple skills they showed at blizzcon 2019 instead of attempting what they did at blizzconline 2021.

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Seems like the pve is not the only thing to be failing to be good enough.

The pvp has been going downhill since forever and even more with the release of 5v5.


not at all

if one game adds feature x before another game, no matter what x is, it isnt an indication of a problem with the team that came in second. It is more an indication of support for feature x from management

if company y gives feature x greater priority than company z does, y will almost certainly produce it first

nothing wild about it…thats just business 101

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