Canadians are getting a huge spike in Latency

From Southern Ontario, with Bell, +200 ping with Portuguese or spanish speaking players just like everyone else here.

</ |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| WinMTR statistics |

Host - % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last
mynetwork - 0 491 491 0 0 6 0 - 0 491 491 13 17 33 17 - 0 491 491 13 14 20 14 - 0 491 491 13 14 42 14 - 0 491 491 15 19 25 20
tcore3-toronto47_bundle-ether23. net. bell. ca - 0 491 491 15 19 25 22
tcore1-torontoxn_ae1. net. bell. ca - 0 491 491 15 16 26 16
bx1-torontoxn_et1-0-0. net. bell. ca - 0 491 491 15 16 27 15
ix-ae-9-0. tcore2. tnk-toronto. as6453. net - 0 491 491 15 16 51 16
if-ae-8-2. tcore1. ct8-chicago. as6453. net - 0 491 491 43 44 63 43
if-ae-26-2. tcore2. nto-new-york.as6453. net - 0 491 491 43 44 72 43
if-ae-12-2. tcore1. n75-new-york. as6453. net - 0 491 491 42 43 62 43 - 0 491 491 38 40 55 39
No response from host - 100 99 0 0 0 0 0
No response from host - 100 99 0 0 0 0 0
No response from host - 100 99 0 0 0 0 0
No response from host - 100 99 0 0 0 0 0
No response from host - 100 99 0 0 0 0 0
No response from host - 100 99 0 0 0 0 0
No response from host - 100 99 0 0 0 0 0
No response from host - 100 99 0 0 0 0 0
No response from host - 100 99 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 491 491 162 163 183 163
No response from host - 100 99 0 0 0 0 0
No response from host - 100 99 0 0 0 0 0
No response from host - 100 99 0 0 0 0 0
No response from host - 100 99 0 0 0 0 0
No response from host - 100 99 0 0 0 0 0
No response from host - 100 99 0 0 0 0 0
No response from host - 100 99 0 0 0 0 0
________________________________________________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider>

its sad when you can play on the asian servers and get better ping then on your own servers. PLEASE FIX <3

what host am i supposed to enter in the WinMTR so i can post the results? Thank you in advance

There also appears to be a separate problem for people on college campuses that I was told by someone from support. I don’t know why that would be but you can check this thread for details: I'm only connecting to Brazil servers from NA

From Quebec, Canada and with Bell Fibe

WinMTR statistics

Host % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last
mynetwork 0 1576 1576 0 0 5 0 0 1565 1565 0 21 4432 3 0 1576 1576 3 3 7 4 0 1576 1576 2 3 27 3 0 1576 1576 79 83 90 83 0 1576 1576 80 82 86 81 1 1572 1571 80 83 89 84 0 1576 1576 80 82 87 81 0 1576 1576 80 83 147 81 0 1576 1576 80 82 129 81 0 1576 1576 80 82 94 81 1 1572 1571 299 301 305 303 0 1576 1576 298 300 350 300 0 1576 1576 298 299 325 299 0 1576 1576 253 258 436 254 1 1572 1571 251 255 811 252 1 1518 1507 253 280 3763 255 0 1576 1576 251 252 256 253 0 1576 1576 255 256 263 256 0 1576 1576 253 254 261 255

Yeah. If your on a college or high school campus you can check this thread out. Blizzard support seems to think there is something about those networks.

yeah but im not connected to a school connection. im in my own room at home so its just bell being bell…

I am on Bell Fibe Canada, here’s my WinMTR & Looking-glass. It’s going through Australia!!!

Ok I can’t paste looking glass and WinMTR because my post cannot have links?! well here it is pastebin dot com slash YnTwmNYf


|                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |
|                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |
|                                   local -    0 |  284 |  284 |    0 |    0 |    2 |    0 |
|                             10. 11. 5. 121 -    0 |  284 |  284 |    0 |    4 |   20 |    4 |
|                   No response from host -  100 |   57 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
|                           10. 178. 206. 73 -    0 |  284 |  284 |    0 |    1 |   17 |   14 |
|   tcore4-toronto12_2-4-0-0_. net. bell. ca -    0 |  284 |  284 |   71 |   75 |   81 |   72 |
|tcore4-vancouver_hundredgige0-1-0-0. net. bell. ca -    0 |  284 |  284 |   70 |   75 |   88 |   76 |
|tcore4-seattle_hundredgige0-5-0-0. net. bell. ca -    0 |  284 |  284 |   71 |   73 |   81 |   73 |
|      bx2-paloalto_xe7-0-0_0. net. bell. ca -    0 |  284 |  284 |   70 |   73 |  151 |   71 |
|                           198. 32. 176. 64 -    0 |  284 |  284 |   71 |   72 |  108 |   72 |
|      i-92. paix-core02. telstraglobal. net -    0 |  284 |  284 |   71 |   72 |   82 |   72 |
|   i-10107. sydp-core03. telstraglobal. net -    0 |  284 |  284 |  290 |  291 |  300 |  292 |
|   i-0-0-0-1. sydp10. bi. telstraglobal. net -    0 |  284 |  284 |  289 |  290 |  328 |  290 |
|               unknown. telstraglobal. net -    0 |  284 |  284 |  290 |  291 |  306 |  291 |
|        et-0-0-48-br01-eqsy4. as57976. net -    0 |  284 |  284 |  243 |  247 |  379 |  244 |
|                           137. 221. 65. 96 -    0 |  284 |  284 |  243 |  246 |  335 |  244 |
|       xe-0-0-1-1-br02-eqch2. as57976. net -    0 |  284 |  284 |  243 |  247 |  454 |  333 |
|              be2-pe01-eqch2. as57976. net -    0 |  284 |  284 |  245 |  246 |  254 |  246 |
|                           24. 105. 62. 129 -    0 |  284 |  284 |  244 |  245 |  255 |  245 |
   WinMTR v0. 92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider

Looking Glass:

traceroute to 142. 113. 57. 230 (142. 113. 57. 230), 15 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1  Blizzard Blizzard  0. 338 ms  0. 320 ms  0. 318 ms
 2  37. 244. 22. 130 (37. 244. 22. 130)  0. 524 ms  0. 745 ms  0. 849 ms
 3  24. 105. 30. 170 (24. 105. 30. 170)  1. 122 ms  1. 204 ms  1. 215 ms
 4  137. 221. 66. 6 (137. 221. 66. 6)  1. 549 ms  1. 653 ms  1. 694 ms
 5  137. 221. 68. 68 (137. 221. 68. 68)  1. 475 ms  1. 499 ms  1. 501 ms
 6  137. 221. 68. 32 (137. 221. 68. 32)  1. 186 ms  1. 204 ms  1. 201 ms
 7  te0-4-0-9. ccr41. lax05. atlas. cogentco. com (38. 104. 84. 12)  1. 451 ms  1. 396 ms  1. 421 ms
 8  be3359. ccr42. lax01. atlas. cogentco. com (154. 54. 3. 69)  1. 469 ms  1. 532 ms  1. 529 ms
 9  be3177. ccr22. sjc01. atlas. cogentco. com (154. 54. 40. 146)  11. 056 ms  11. 161 ms  11. 185 ms
10  be3179. ccr22. sfo01. atlas. cogentco. com (154. 54. 43. 149)  12. 106 ms  12. 115 ms  11. 905 ms
11  be3717. ccr21. sea02. atlas. cogentco. com (154. 54. 86. 210)  29. 283 ms  29. 394 ms  29. 395 ms
12  38. 104. 126. 82 (38. 104. 126. 82)  215. 772 ms  215. 699 ms  215. 710 ms
13  * * *
14  * * *
15  * * *

25/10/2018 01:58:57 UTC

traceroute to 142. 113. 57. 230 (142. 113. 57. 230), 15 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1  Blizzard Blizzard  0. 264 ms  0. 254 ms  0. 254 ms
 2  37. 244. 23. 2 (37. 244. 23. 2)  0. 565 ms  0. 612 ms  0. 714 ms
 3  24. 105. 62. 150 (24. 105. 62. 150)  0. 849 ms  0. 882 ms  0. 967 ms
 4  137. 221. 66. 14 (137. 221. 66. 14)  2. 185 ms  2. 197 ms  2. 224 ms
 5  137. 221. 69. 68 (137. 221. 69. 68)  2. 074 ms  2. 069 ms  2. 071 ms
 6  137. 221. 69. 32 (137. 221. 69. 32)  2. 043 ms  1. 711 ms  1. 728 ms
 7  xe-0-0-16-2. a02. chcgil09. us. bb. gin. ntt. net (192. 80. 17. 209)  1. 259 ms  6. 830 ms  6. 851 ms
 8  ae-4. r08. chcgil09. us. bb. gin. ntt. net (129. 250. 4. 157)  1. 772 ms  1. 718 ms  1. 747 ms
 9  ae-0. a01. chcgil09. us. bb. gin. ntt. net (129. 250. 4. 218)  4. 483 ms  4. 494 ms  4. 494 ms
10  ae-0. bell-canada. chcgil09. us. bb. gin. ntt. net (128. 241. 3. 10)  245. 474 ms  245. 511 ms  245. 325 ms
11  * * *
12  * * *
13  * * *
14  * * *
15  toroon0247w-lp140-06-142-113-57-1. dsl. bell. ca (142. 113. 57. 1)  243. 804 ms  244. 206 ms  244. 235 ms

25/10/2018 01:58:57 UTC

PING 142. 113. 57. 230 (142. 113. 57. 230) 56(84) bytes of data. 

--- 142. 113. 57. 230 ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2999ms

25/10/2018 01:58:57 UTC

PING 142. 113. 57. 230 (142. 113. 57. 230) 56(84) bytes of data. 

--- 142. 113. 57. 230 ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2998ms

25/10/2018 01:58:57 UTC

Start: Thu Oct 25 01:58:57 2018 Blizzard  1. |-- Blizzard                                  0. 0%    10    0. 4   0. 3   0. 2   0. 4   0. 0
  2. |-- 37. 244. 22. 130                                  0. 0%    10    0. 5   0. 5   0. 4   0. 8   0. 0
  3. |-- 24. 105. 30. 170                                  0. 0%    10    1. 0   1. 0   0. 9   1. 1   0. 0
  4. |-- 137. 221. 66. 6                                   0. 0%    10    1. 5   1. 6   1. 5   1. 7   0. 0
  5. |-- 137. 221. 68. 68                                  0. 0%    10    1. 4   1. 4   1. 3   1. 5   0. 0
  6. |-- 137. 221. 68. 32                                  0. 0%    10    1. 3   2. 6   1. 1  14. 9   4. 3
  7. |-- te0-4-0-9. ccr41. lax05. atlas. cogentco. com       0. 0%    10    1. 6   1. 6   1. 4   2. 8   0. 3
  8. |-- be3359. ccr42. lax01. atlas. cogentco. com          0. 0%    10    1. 8   1. 6   1. 3   1. 8   0. 0
  9. |-- be3177. ccr22. sjc01. atlas. cogentco. com          0. 0%    10   11. 1  11. 2  10. 9  11. 5   0. 0
 10. |-- be3179. ccr22. sfo01. atlas. cogentco. com          0. 0%    10   12. 1  12. 2  11. 9  12. 4   0. 0
 11. |-- be3717. ccr21. sea02. atlas. cogentco. com          0. 0%    10   29. 5  29. 4  29. 2  29. 6   0. 0
 12. |-- 38. 104. 126. 82                                  0. 0%    10  215. 8 215. 8 215. 7 215. 9   0. 0
 13. |-- ???                                           100. 0    10    0. 0   0. 0   0. 0   0. 0   0. 0
 14. |-- ???                                           100. 0    10    0. 0   0. 0   0. 0   0. 0   0. 0
 15. |-- ???                                           100. 0    10    0. 0   0. 0   0. 0   0. 0   0. 0
 16. |-- ???                                           100. 0    10    0. 0   0. 0   0. 0   0. 0   0. 0
 17. |-- ???                                           100. 0    10    0. 0   0. 0   0. 0   0. 0   0. 0
 18. |-- toroon0247w-lp140-06-142-113-57-1. dsl. bell. ca  0. 0%    10  268. 4 268. 4 268. 2 268. 9   0. 0
 19. |-- ???                                           100. 0    10    0. 0   0. 0   0. 0   0. 0   0. 0

25/10/2018 01:58:57 UTC

Start: Thu Oct 25 01:58:57 2018 Blizzard  1. |-- Blizzard                                   0. 0%    10    0. 3   0. 2   0. 2   0. 4   0. 0
  2. |-- 37. 244. 23. 2                                    0. 0%    10    0. 4   0. 5   0. 4   0. 7   0. 0
  3. |-- 24. 105. 62. 150                                  0. 0%    10    0. 9   1. 1   0. 8   2. 4   0. 3
  4. |-- 137. 221. 66. 14                                  0. 0%    10    2. 0   2. 0   1. 9   2. 1   0. 0
  5. |-- 137. 221. 69. 68                                  0. 0%    10    1. 8   1. 8   1. 7   2. 0   0. 0
  6. |-- 137. 221. 69. 32                                  0. 0%    10    1. 6   2. 9   1. 5  12. 7   3. 4
  7. |-- xe-0-0-16-2. a02. chcgil09. us. bb. gin. ntt. net     0. 0%    10    1. 4   1. 6   1. 0   2. 9   0. 3
  8. |-- ae-4. r08. chcgil09. us. bb. gin. ntt. net            0. 0%    10    1. 7   1. 8   1. 7   2. 2   0. 0
  9. |-- ae-0. a01. chcgil09. us. bb. gin. ntt. net            0. 0%    10    8. 6   2. 5   1. 0   8. 6   2. 2
 10. |-- ae-0. bell-canada. chcgil09. us. bb. gin. ntt. net    0. 0%    10  244. 2 244. 9 244. 2 245. 8   0. 3
 11. |-- ???                                           100. 0    10    0. 0   0. 0   0. 0   0. 0   0. 0
 12. |-- ???                                           100. 0    10    0. 0   0. 0   0. 0   0. 0   0. 0
 13. |-- ???                                           100. 0    10    0. 0   0. 0   0. 0   0. 0   0. 0
 14. |-- ???                                           100. 0    10    0. 0   0. 0   0. 0   0. 0   0. 0
 15. |-- toroon0247w-lp140-06-142-113-57-1. dsl. bell. ca  0. 0%    10  243. 7 243. 7 243. 6 244. 0   0. 0
 16. |-- ???                                           100. 0    10    0. 0   0. 0   0. 0   0. 0   0. 0

25/10/2018 01:58:57 UTC

Yeah, but that seems to be the issue for the people connecting from something other than Bell. Good luck getting Bell to respond quickly!

add spaces after all the “.” for the WinMTR so you can post it

“quickly”? you mean at all???
lets be honest.

1 Like

Not that many people would think to go to the forums. There are also a couple posts on the subreddit.

in Montreal. Average 40-60ms daily playing WoW, D3, HoTS. Today I’ve been above 260 in all games. Even Hearthstone is laggy!

Come on guys

So campus networks worked perfectly fine up until today…? Sounds like they’re brushing that issue off to someone else. Been on campus network for 2 years now, this is the first issue I have had with it and OW.

1 Like

@retsgan-1147 It has something to do with the patch, but I am actually believing that the US people with issues are all campus network related as nobody has found a case where that is not true. This is the thread for that issue: I'm only connecting to Brazil servers from NA

I’m in the same boat as retsgan. Been using campus network perfectly fine for so long, how did this happen?


Yeah. Me too. This issue is being addressed on a different thread: I'm only connecting to Brazil servers from NA

Any update on this issue yet? QP is miserable with the 200ms. Playing Total Mayhem is a little bit less sufferable as, you know, it is Total Mayhem so accuracy is not a huge deal. Hoping they will fix this soon.

If it is from the patch, and it is solely campus based networks in the US, wth was in the patch that ONLY affects campus networks?

Not sure, but I sure hope it is fixable. I want the rest of my loot boxes. Just make sure you reply to the support guy on the other thread so he sees that it is indeed just campus networks in the USA.

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