Can you ride the gondolas in Rialto?

I’ve never tried it before, but since you can stand on them and they move, can you ride them? It’d be a really nice chill map if you could.


You can actually
You can also break the robots on them


Yeah, you can also murder the rower. (Not the hamster, he will slap your stuff.)

I’d recommend logging in to a custom map and having some fun with them.

I checked out one yesterday and we ended up playing ‘Roadhog Fishing’ on the boats (you had to hook the other hogs without getting hooked yourself!)

It was really fun! :smiley:


Please, everyone who reads this post. DON’T DO THIS. :cry:


Don’t worry…we won’t…

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It’s 03:27 am and I should sleep soon but that gif has freaked me out :cry: :joy:

It seems that the wave of anti-omnic hate crimes previously seen only in Oasis is spreading… :frowning:


(20 characters)


And the boat drivers scream in pain when you kill them too.
Or that’s what someone told me at least.


Why the Smily face?!

Why not, pardner? :cowboy_hat_face:

Everyone back to da base pardner

Yeah, don’t getcher stuff slapped, that ain’t never good