Can you rework ... Practice Range? (or add more AI bots)

I ask people not to shoot me ?

wow. neat thread. sure did deserve #7

I also want the training area to let you disable ability cooldowns so you can use them more, would help a lot with practicing certain combos where an ability may take 10s to recharge.

It would also be good if they reduced the bot hitboxes to normal size

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Will this help OWL at all?

Then no, it won’t happen.


I’d love more options for bots in custom games like skins, gold weapons, bots cycle characters after a match (like practice vs ai) and such (also practice vs ai randomly cycling skins).

Also, another option in custom games (helpful for balance testing), could be adding controllable AI and binding key (‘N’ Custom Games AI Menu) with Spawn character Orisa (Uncontrollable AI/Controllable AI option; note that uncontrollable AI would only be an option for the current available bots: Ana, Bastion, Lucio, Mccree, Mei, Reaper, Roadhog, Soldier, Sombra, Torbjorn, Zarya, Zenyatta), commands: follow, wait, shoot (hold the shoot key), move to cursor, face me/look at player and a run away command (perhaps other commands like Secondary fire, primary ability, secondary ability, use ultimate).

ehh whatever. i dont think i give a crap anymore

The bot are too big and fat so it nothing like the game. Why can they look like ir be characters like mercy or mcrcree ? It’s time the dev include features like PKjellies in the practice range .

How dare you imply that slow moving, weak dummies aren’t suitable practice

You can also train against ai in a custom if you want

yeh id be well up for this.

They should honestly takes notes from some of the map creators in CS:GO. Some of those practice maps are amazing and all they might have is a target that gives feedback or provides aim challenges.

Also the hitboxes of the bots are way too big and should be more realistic.

Dormammu i’ve come to bargain.

If you can’t necro threads without a reason, what is a good reason ?
I just wanted to respond to some threads that are more relevant to me, but you ban me and remove all my posts without a reason.
You just slap a child who can’t even speak and expect them to understand your telepathy.
You have lost your mind Dormammu, your way, and your people Dormammu.

p.s. if you dont want necro, just prevent responding to aged posts or give me a valid reason of why my reason isnt a reason and what the secret reason is to be able to reply to an older post, that i can clearly reply to but apparently if it upsets a soft shelled candy fish it is enough for ghosting me from the forums with no reason.

THis game is absolutely best game 2020

A workshop mod existe to improve the practice range.

Not a complete update for sure.

In the Overwatch Workshop, people have made better versions of the practice range meaning it could be easily done. I don’t see why the developers can’t do it.

Here’s a pretty great aim training workshop you can import. I find it more useful than the Practice Arena;


How To Import

Then press the button to focus the rightmost panel (R1 on PS4) → IMPORT CODE, and enter the above code at the prompt.

That would involve at least some level of effort and creativity. So that will be a no. wait for Overwatch 4

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