Can you guys finally admit that they are listening now?

Thes characters weren’t a problem 3 years ago.

I don’t think we are being ignored, I just think that people ask for too much/make terrible suggestions.

Also, mercy mains will never be satisfied, and will never shut up about her, until she is the OP must pick she was before.


WOW why more lucio nerfs???

Bastion got a buff when they finally made his Recon fire different from S76’s and they tightened the spread for continued fire in Sentry mode.

I’m sure Bastion is still on the radar, but he hasn’t entirely been in a meta that has actually tested where he currently is… aside from Pirateship… So it’s even more surprising he got a buff after that. He’s shown potential (bunker is on the rise), but they need to see how effective that potential is going to be before they do anything else.

Till then… His spread reduces the longer he fires in sentry, that does work. He got +10 ammo for his gun in Sentry, which thank god, because S76’s got the reduced spread that Bastion already had.

I really don’t think Bastion has been ignored, I think people just haven’t gotten what they want.

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Not going to happen and not necessary. Immortal field is enough of a nerf to blade.

Honestly gonna wait until it hits live before I give it more thought.

Things are changing though, which is kinda exciting.

Haven’t felt that way about this game in a good while.

Check out your Overwatch latest vid, they cover all the latest nerfs and buffs. Lucio speed boost was nerfed but to make up for it they buffed his wall ride speed by 20%. So basically Lucio mains can just be flanker boop gods now.

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Don’t forget the Soldier buffs, Sombra hacking health pack halves CD, Fth nerfed to middle ground while buffing Deadeye, WB using shield in ball form, Orisa faster movement when shooting. These are some nice changes that people have asked for.

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So happy for Lucio, this will surely make him a better support hero, at this rate maybe is better to put him and Zen on DPS slot and get over with it.

Reverting dumb decisions is not really a change, is a silent acceptance that the initial change was a bad one (as once again most players in lower tiers were complaining about).

They lowered Symmeteras max damage by almost 30 per second against armor.
Then reduced her her charge up time by 0.28s

That isn’t a buff. It is overall a nerf.

I don’t know how nerfing so many rollouts keeps him fun for Lucio players. They hate having to relearn new rollouts because their movement tech got changed again, for the 4th(?) time…

Reddit Lucio got buff.

No, they didn’t. Literally read the post above yours.

Changing Amp’s speed boost breaks like half of the existing rollouts… That speed is NOT made up for with the wallride increase.

As if that could be even remotely possible without a revert, and/or buffs, lawl.

True but deadeye is what McCree mains wanted buffs for

Only a bit in heal aura but the ‘buff’ cancels out with the speed nerfs for the speed aura when wallriding.

People asked for a strong ability to replace scatter to make Hanzo stronger, and end the nonsense that was scatter.

We got that. I do not regret asking.

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Beam charges 20% faster now.

Well, I’m a Mercy player and don’t feel ignored.

Not being incredibly entitled helps with avoiding the feeling of being ignored.

7+ nerfs in a row, only one tiny buff during that, and nothing since is not being payed attention to…in any way.
If they were even pretending to pay attention, they would have at least been responding to the megathread.
Also, don’t bother with the “you’re too entitled” nonsense. No hero should be nerfed 7+ times in a row. Period.

She doesn’t need any attention in any way :smiley:

They can pay attention without commenting on the megathread.

Hey. If the boot fits…

What justification do you have for this assertion? I think it’s fine for a hero to be nerfed that amount of times if the result is a balanced fun to play hero (like Mercy is to me)

Please justify this assertion