Can you guys finally admit that they are listening now?

I never saw any of the changes that were made being suggested on the forums.

Besides which, even if they were, your causal link here is about as tenuous as the evidence for the power of prayer.

What makes you think they’re listening?

Oh you are looking to see people admitting they are wrong?
Here in Overwatch? Like … from people that had the ego in the first place to rage about anything and also the “silence” from the devs?

Hahaha … oh no, you silly goose! That will never happen! :rofl:

Yeah they listen to suggestions and read the forums but some people believe that unless they accept all suggestions as orders, it means “we are being ignored”. Those people will never admit they are wrong.


Tbh, a lot of the forum suggestions are pure garbage. Seperating the good from the bad on here is not exactly the most straight forward thing. Implementing said changes aren’t always easy either as some would be utterly game breaking if done incorrectly.


With almost all others ofensive ults, you dont need a very specific heros to counter those ults.

  • Focus Fire
  • Hack
  • EMP
  • Graviton Surge
  • Earthshatter
  • Projected Bubble
  • Flashbang
  • Deadeye at range
  • Blizzard
  • Transcendence
  • Sound Barrier
  • Nanoboosting his first target
  • Sleep Dart

Shall I continue?

Seriously, there’s plenty you can do to stop a blade. Just bubbling and/or nanoboosting his first target is usually enough to stop the Genji turning his blade into anything major. Same goes for Trans. Usually Genji blade, especially in this meta is just a tool used to bait Trans so your Zarya can grav.

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Honestly, if anyone actually thought the devs took suggestions from the forums I’d think they needed their head looking at.

In terms of feedback, all the devs are going to use from the forum is a general ‘what’s this month’s squeaky wheel’.

When someone says that sleepdart is a effective counter against dragon blade xddd

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When someone thinks that a 5 second long hard CC against a 6 second melee ability doesn’t counter it.

If you can’t hit the dart that’s your fault.

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Haha okey mr pro player.

You can sleep dart genji blade when you want xd

Imagine thinking you need to be a pro player to hit a quite large projectile on a target who is guaranteed to be at melee range.

Even if you don’t have the mechanical skill to hit sleep dart there’s plenty of other things you can do.


You’re right, they just whined about Scatter.

Again, wrong? What? Were you not here when people were over Junkrat spamming chokes and then deleting 3 people with his Ultimate? People wanted him nerfed. They hated his spam.

They literally just buffed Symmetra and Junkrat.



Im not sayinf that blade dont have counterplay, but have less effective counterplay than all others offensive ults…

With others ults you only need to stay behind the tanks shields or just move and dodge the ult…

We aren’t being ignored. They don’t need to listen to every single request. Look at these patch notes, dude. So many were literally requested by forum users.

If you compare Genji’s ult to other DPS ults it seems strong, but if you compare his base kit to any other DPS kit (fairly, don’t do any of that “HE HAS 11 PASSIVES AND RESETS AND STOLE MY CAR AND AND AND”, actually look at what his base weapon and kit realistically does in a fight) and it’ll be apparent that his power is almost entirely in his ult.

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On someway this is true.

The question is if this is a good hero design??

It makes sense.

You have your standard backline flanker (Tracer), who has a powerful base kit and ultimate that’s weaker than some cooldown abilities.

Then you have your crossfire flanker (Genji), who has a relatively weak base kit and ultimate that allows him to have impact.

Even then his ultimate’s impact is often just forcing a Transcendence, which I’d argue Tracer does better and more consistently by sticking Zenyatta with a pulse bomb. Genji’s ultimate only really accomplishes anything when combined with EMP and/or Nanoboost.


You must’ve missed the part where the devs were unaware, for six months, that the forums were confused over Symm’s M1 values because they were released wrong, proving they never read anything.

Or proving they were too busy to fix it at that moment? They clearly do read. 20% faster charge is insane.

Not that they have reasons to.

They talked a lot about Mercy and answered a lot of questions. They even said that they are fine with the current state of Mercy.

I can’t call that ignoring.

The dev specifically said they were unaware that they shipped her with the wrong numbers.

20% faster charge is not insane, it’s not even good. It needs way more than that to be generally usable. Yes, you reach the beam’s max potential a little bit faster, but the max potential is still way too low and the wind-up has no reason to exist.