you won’t be immortal after lamp ends and you’d be stuck with 40hp at that time because you can’t get healed.
sure let me leave the match and requeue as tank to do that
again the problem is anti heal lacking counterplay from the supports which make ana inherently the better support due to such a hard counter interaction.
because anti’ed targets are guaranteed to be around such corners in the first place but somehow also far enough that it’d necessitate a lamp rather than them taking cover… /s
again the problem is anti heal lacking counterplay from the supports which make ana inherently the better support due to such a hard counter interaction
I didn’t down play beat. I said it’s the only realistic counterplay supports have for anti.
lucio speed however isn’t really counterplay for anti. it’s like saying mercy damage boost as a whole counters pharah or any other threat. it may help, but the mercy providing it isn’t actually having any input or impact on negating the threat themselves.
again the problem is anti heal lacking counterplay from the supports which make ana inherently the better support due to such a hard counter interaction
yes I just compared nade to flashbang…
mccree flash bang isn’t a problem at all due to its inherent short duration and how its range limitations allow for more global counterability.
unlike ana’s nade which has longer duration of effect, more range, more damage, and possibly larger radius.
Literally any ability … the game can have ultimate level impact if used at the right time
Here’s a comparison for you, nade makes transce useless, seems op right? Nope, flash bang literally cancels shatter, whole hog, sigma ult, wrecking balls ult, high noon, dragons, Mei ult, barrage, blossom, EMP, nano…
except here’s a significant detail you’re forgetting here that breaks apart your comparison:
nade and flash are more available to deny their respective ults, but beat and rally are much less available to deny anti-debuff value.
like as said earlier, flash has a lot.of limitations and most relevantly it’s duration is really short so it doesn’t necessitate such abilities to counter flash. but that’s not the case with nade.
like if you want to argue that it’s fair to treat nade like an ult due to it being able to counter them, how come nade itself lacks the same vast counterability (in your comparison to flashbang, ults listed were ones countered by stun ccs which are a medium sized list of abilities) when it’s very evidently hard lacking counterability from the support roster? why does nade get special treatment here?
again the problem is anti heal lacking counterplay from the supports which make ana inherently the better support due to such a hard counter interaction