Can you add K&M to this list for console

Continuing the discussion from Unauthorized Third-party Software:

I am happy that you are against cheating, and using K&M on console is cheating, so make it reportable and bannable.


How would any players know they were using k&m? Cause they aim well? Turn fast?

The difference between K&M and a controller is very noticeable.

Masters friend of mine uses kb&m. Apparently all the top console players do, according to him at least.

My sensitivity is at 85-90 for most heroes. I’ve used 100 before too. If I see in the killcam they are spinning around way faster than me, it’s pretty obvious. In plat and diamond I’ve only seen like 2 people use M&K before. I assume at higher levels it’s more of a problem but I don’t think it’s as big of a problem as people make it out to be.

So turning too fast.

It was a legit question in case anyone was wondering.

Maybe in game, but not from the software aspect. A person can easily trick the software into thinking your M&K is a controller

That fight was lost when Sony officially endorsed a K&M.

Blizzard can’t have that fight, and keep in their contract with Sony.

Make no mistake, Blizzard fought hard against K&M on console - they are the good guys here.

Xbox and Razer are releasing a mouse and keyboard.

I mean, mouse and keyboard are hardware options, not software and Sony already has mouse and keyboard options, and it seems Microsoft wants in on that too.

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It’s noticeable. You can see in kill-cams the movement is not of a controller.

As a Widow player who plays with a controller, I am often accused of using a mouse, but that’s because they just talk to talk and don’t know anything.

Mouse movement usually appears glitchy in some ways and can move at varying speeds in awkward motions that only a mouse can perform. I had a M/KB Widow in my game a few days ago, and it was blatant. You could see the sweeping motion players make on PC with their arms for flick shots. That quick left-snap back- to-right jerking motion. It’s just not possible to replicate with a thumbstick, and I use high sensitivity.

I assure you, the ladder would be flipped around if m/kb was banned. The GM/Top 500 would be diamonds.

I sometimes feel like the only Widow using a controller in Master’s. I manage to out-shoot Mouse users because I’ll position well. But in a 1:1 shooting gallery, they’ll typically get me first. I have to be creative at that point.

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It seems Microsoft fall update is going to bring some big changes. Likely m&k support but also API kits to allow developers detect XIM adapaters that mimic controller use and a kit to allow the detection of m&k so developers can match controller and m&k players properl.

Edit: also makes me think crossplatform support might be following.