Can we use Bastion's Crazy Mode as Part of a Change?

I think it makes sense to maybe increase the transformation time or something if Bastion is going to receive a big buff in another part of his kit.

I’m no wiz, but Torb got trade-offs when he got reworked.

Btw, I think it’d be better if the theme of the ability was “overclocking” or something not related to Bastion having a panic attack. Could be something that has to do with his relationship with Torb.

The next time somebody calls it “Turret mode” Imma go a little bit mental.

Also no, if anything we’re buffing Sentry Mode.
I can’t stand looking at someone point blank directly at their head and dying instead of them.

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Fixed :ok_hand:

Sorry my friend.

I had flashbacks to an argument i had with someone who was convinced Bastion had “Sentry mode and Turret mode” And had never heard the word “Recon”

My god i lost a few brain cells that day.

Oh and of course they knew exactly how to fix Bastion (By nerfing Bastion)
Because they played the hero so much. and couldn’t name the hero’s abilities.

His transform time was crap before. From experience, let’s not. He doesn’t need a trade off because he’s bad. We need a net increase not nerfing him.

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Exactly that.


Anyone dies if 6 people focus fire. Also, nobody hard counters bastion to the level that bastion hard counters Winston.

Id rather they just give him my E barrier idea and call it a day…tired of reworks


Literally storm arrow, Sombra, Hog… to name a few.

He can also be pretty oppressive, but its not like we’re talking about anything but hypotheticals anyway.

I don’t even know what these kinds of abilities would do for Bastion, but I think boosting his damage in Recon is a good direction.

Hanzo. Storm arrows=kill even through healing+he can peak with burst damage. That’s most of what counters Bastion. The other thing that counters Bastion is disabling him.

Oppressive for who? It doesn’t make his playrate or winrate any higher. The only place people say he’s oppressive, low ranks, he has a negative winrate. I think it’s because the memes about his damage before they nerfed him to death that causes so much hate for him.

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Well for starters, those counters mentioned earlier take teamwork or really risky positioning to take down a Bastion if he’s being played with his enabler heroes.

Bastion’s bad reputation persists because he can make the match revolve around him for both teams whether they like it or not, and they often don’t.

I think that if Bastion receives major changes, they should push him firmly towards a more independent playstyle but his Sentry form should have same weaknesses. If Bastion gets a power up ability, he shouldn’t be able to use it to give players that catch out his Turret form another hurdle, and he shouldn’t be able to clear out positions for himself to set up in too well.

But I’ve been saying that Recon mode is underpowered for a long time.

Btw, i might be low ranked, but my gold and plat friends dislike Bastion way more than me.

Seriously once you spot a Bastion, spam Take a breather, walk right up to it, and i guarantee you… guarantee you, that unless their team has crazy levels of coordination you can hook it and kill it, before you either die or get to walk away.

Either way it dies, and goes right back to the spawn room.
Walks back and waits to have it happen again.

And all that time there is zero way that a Bastion can defend itself against a Hog who just decides to kill it.

Its not that easy against shields. There’s not always a way close to Bastion, and if he sees you before you can get a clear shot than he shreds you; or at least gets you critical with no vape in enemy lines and you just fed a lot.

I don’t really want to turn this into a debate about Bastion’s counters.


If you end up in that situation, YOU are out of position without a proper team line-up to be taking on a team, and if you are facing shields, you have a right click which helps shred them.

Then you:

Then you shouldn’t have brought it up as a point of contention against a net buff.

Because it clearly is meaningless.

Maybe just make it so that he can rapidly transform while using his ultimate.
And he has an enhanced version of whatever tranformation mode he’s in.

(Could also just make it so he has TankMode on his E, then have the Q just be an “Overclock”)

If sentry isn’t good now then it already has those weaknesses.

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Let me think… what could possibly be a weakness for such a thing in a game as fast paced as this?

Maybe if it… idk…

couldn’t move.

You’re trying to tell me that dealing with Bastion is so easy I can just hook combo and its ggez.

Bastion’s a tank buster. He has the advantage until he’s hooked.

What i wanted to do:

Brain storm some ideas for how this would work, look like. Discuss transitional changes if it’s really strong or an ultimate with Tank on E since that would definitely be strong.

What I’m doing instead:

I’m arguing that Bastion isn’t completely useless just because of counters. Hammond has counters. Doomfist has counters. Countering Doomfist actually is as easy as comboing with Roadhog because he comes right at you.

Bastion gets pocketed, shielded, and can shred you (or me at least me if you’re going to be that way about it). Sombra can’t duel a Bastion by herself, Hanzo isn’t a flanker, and Junkrat got his ability to hit Bastion behind shields nerfed.

Any of this matter to you or should I just go? I’m fine ya’ll don’t want to change your minds at all but i’m not going to argue with people that don’t want to listen, especially friends.

Right now it’s purpose is acting as a pair of legs for Sentry form. It’s my belief that if it gets the ability to play aggressively, turret form would probably need more restrictions so buffs to Recon don’t indirectly make it stronger.

Regardless, i mostly just want to know what you guys would want power up abilities for Bastion to do.

And when does he not get hooked in that fight? If there’s a shield then expect to need teamwork as well.

It isn’t though, I use it for damage quite often. Just buff recon so people have more reasons to use it (which is what you want) but leave sentry to do its thing. If there isn’t an immediate threat so you can spare a moment in sentry, that’s when it starts killing things. If you don’t have protection and without that opportunity just use recon. I don’t know what the devs don’t get about it, it’s not for “tank busting” it’s for high damage to be used against any role. Tank busting just happens to be something it can do.