Can we use Bastion's Crazy Mode as Part of a Change?

I know the devs aren’t planning on any reworks but people can change their minds. Anyways, I’m talking about when he goes crazy in his short when the wood pecker triggers some sort of PTSD and later when he learns what he’s meant for after checking the memory of other dead Bastions. Here’s the video for anyone that wants to watch it either for the first time or again.

It could be as a part of a Mercy type rework. This means a re-balanced tankmode would be placed on his E and his new ult would buff some aspect of every mode. It could potentially just be on his E similar to the ult I mentioned but not as powerful. I guess kind of like molten core on Torb.

What do you guys think about an ability like this?

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A cool idea, but pretty unnecessary. Bastion is pretty balanced as he is.

Besides, we already trigger his PTSD every time we play as him.


I reject your reality and substitute the truth.

I literally do have a form of ptsd and can confirm this.

Also, i like the idea.
Perhaps as suggested, something to buff every mode.


Well, his stats are pretty much the worst in the entire game right so I beg to differ on the first point. This is just aesthetic but he’s only red in his crisis skin.


cough And his “Alert! Alert!” Emote… cough

That’s kind of where I got the idea. If he’s not murder hobo until you use the emote, that means he can go murder hobo. If he gets it as an ability, that is.

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As long as Sentry Mode is also fixed, i’m on board 100%

I wanna go murder hobo without actually being legit triggered to the point of shaking after matches…

Lets not talk about that.

Well it could balance sentry if they’re used together.

The need to use an Ability along with a primary fire, makes for a less balanced hero over all.

Torbjorn can still be punishing if you use his left click properly.

But Bastion in Sentry?
Pfffft… just run at it and spin around a few times.

What exactly do you mean an ability with primary fire? It’d be awesome of alert let him headshot but that’s just me.

Bastion can already kill people through transcendence. He does the most damage in the game. What more do you want? He has 300hp and can even heal himself. If that doesn’t suit you, his recon mode gun is very good, almost as good as soldiers. But with more ammo in the clip.

If you need to use an ability, to get the full potential of your primary fire…
That just makes Bastion less effective at any other time.

None of that matters if his stats are the worst out of every single hero. Most damage? Not if 6 people pile drive him. Stuff like that. Also he has hard counters, not normal hard counters, but HARD counters. You just don’t exist if they are played just about at all.


I would like to see it in the game somehow, even if it’s just as an emote or something

Technically it already is an emote…

I’m a little fuzzy on Bastions emotes, which one is it?

Horrible still image with random adverts. lol

But yea, that one.

Okay yea, I guess. I meant something more like his halloween emote though

Upload your images to Imgur instead so you don’t get the weird thing at the top if it’s supposed to be a website watermark.

Could put this on E like Storm arrows, Overload. Nothing too crazy but a temporary buff to recon mode so it’s not so weak all the time. Would need to probably nerf Sentry Mode a bit though, i’d say nerf his ult charge as well but i don’t think I mind the idea of good Bastions getting rewarded for playing more aggressively.