Can we talk about the 40/40/20 rule?

54% winrate. according to your own profile. Naughty boi.

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Forgot to mention open queue, my bad!

Mei? Depends on the map. Winston, to sidestep Mei locking chokes.

Junkrat? Zarya. Roadhog.

Pharah? DVa. You don’t have to kill her. Just deny her.

Symmetra? Zarya is decent for cleaning turrets. Or go mobile tanks and sidestep the denied area. Roadhog, if symm likes to get up and personal.

Reaper? DVa. Though I personally like playing Winston into Reaper, if the map has a lot of ledges and high-ground. The only problem being that one guy or gal on the team, screaming “you’re being countered”.

The only one I don’t have an answer for is Sombra’s hack. Orisa used to work, but her shield is tissue paper. Rein can sidestep if you have the reaction time AND high sense, but that ruins the DPs sense that I’m used to (very low).

Hog wrecks a lot of those. Dva wrecks some. Zarya counters some.

About half my play time is tank and it’s rare I’m asking dps to counter anything. Maybe sombra for ball or doom but that’s it.

If its too unpredictable, having patents and devising a system is trying too hard.

That’s my take, why even try if its unpredictable. So again, IS predicting possible to some degree? - Whatever that “degree” is, its too big and they need to do more experiments…

So far the approach is, “we have a system, we locking on to it, we’re happy with the results”.

  • Is the player base happy? (I know I am not - I am addicted, thats different than being “happy”). I think anybody that comes on the forums likes the game that much to try to “help”.

  • CAN THEY FIND OUT? I’ve seen big data do amazing things, and a game all about numbers, I think they could do “something” in analytics.

OR atleast prove the player base wrong… like say hey - on average comp games in bronze last x mins compared to silver compared to gold. Are there no rofl stomps in masters and up? It would be nice to see some reassurance that the player base is mistaken… but we get NOTHING - not even fake news, just NOTHING.

You know what else analytics would help with - balance changes. So again either they do know, cause they can tell how much damage an ash does compare to other heros but your telling me they dont look at match outcomes / timing?

I love how glicko easily balances team matches in quake for solid games, and a guy coded it over a summer by himself but OW cant figure it out after 6 years.

Wasnt this 30/30/40? I can tell from experiences this number of game you have control over is so much bigger then you think. Sometimes I keep losing for weeks, sometimes I keep climbing for weeks. I save some of my replays and compared them, this wasnt a luck thing and I really played better when I was winning

The rule is only a metaphor for “You lose some you win some” and you shouldnt take the numbers so sereos. Its just exist to solace players who had a thrower and gets used by players who dont want to accept they disnt carried to flame their team

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I find the opposite to be true, I do my job on dps and have like an 84% win rate, I do my job as tank or support I’m at like 50-60ish% win rates. It’s waaay easier to carry as DPS imo.

Hog, sigma, zarya can all destroy reaper.

Winston dva ball can all avoid and destroy junkrat.

The top applies to mei.

Sombra is annoying but you are better off focusing on the rest of the team. She will die if she messes up but won’t kill anything.

Any tank can kill sym lmao.

Dva and ball can both scare pharah away. Hog can kill her if she gets close as can zarya and sigma. Pharah is also a team effort if you are relying on strictly your dps to deal with her when she most likely has a mercy pocket. You are just bad at the game.

You are just making excuses for your bad play.

Do I believe you have an 80 percent winrate? No.

Are you most likely a better dps than you are a tank? Yes.

If you are equal in skill at both roles and in the same rank. You will have an easier time on tank. At higher ranks tanks will shut you down on dps with ease if they are getting supported. The second your own tanks die the fights over.

I do, I only use soldier and Torbjorn and right now my stats all 83% with 11 games played on soldier 79% wins with 19 games played Torbjorn. Though this is currently at rank 1.8k silver. I would screenshot but Idk how to do that on the forums Idk why i would be that much better considering I just started dpsing because of the pass system.

I never felt like other ranks could shut you down as much as DPS. Actually I just lost my last game because the enemy Echo destroyed us.

Support will have trouble unless it’s a Zen or Baptiste because if your primarily healing then your largely entrusting the win to your teammates performance when your off healing, healing is neither the hardest thing to do.

Tanks i’d say can carry more than support not as much as DPS, since tanks are pretty much meaty dps but dps have high dps and range meaning I can take out tanks and from a safe distance and shred the support. Tanks are too limited in range to be better than DPS at carrying imo, if it was the later then you’d see ReinhardHardts winning 1v1 against dps but range beats out power and defensive ability.

I find this funny alittle. I think people / the devs dont realize how a good team enables you. If a tank is more aggressive vs 1 game or another, its easier to hit shots because that aggression is not on you / same as tanks having good healers or DPS that targets THEIR healers / or win 1v1s.

I dont believe people play better over night, maybe over a month, but from game to game - its the random people around you have a bigger influence. Not to mention the OTHER team not picking or recognizing counter picks to help themselves.

I feel this when playing during the day, in the morning I tend to win more because I play with sensible people. I get enabled more I do better. In the evening I feel its the kids / noobs - who dont want to enable anyone else but themselves or dont understand the system. Do I do worse because of mental fatigue? No, I’m not running a marathon / or anything stressful in between, if not I am MORE awake in early evenings.

Go back to your replays, also check the time of day you play these games.

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You wanna say I just got extremely ublucky that I git consistently bad teammates from 3.7 down to 2.8?

Getting a lot of value =/= playing good, just like you said, but that doesnt mean you dont see mistakes from you

Even if you play in a good team and get a lot of value this doesnt mean you dont see any mistakes.

Your argument is propably that I only think that I played better, while I only got more value because of better Teammates, but if you consider the total amount of games and that I felt I played bad during my lose streaks even in the game I won this isnt true

The sheer fear of seeing yourself as a loser drives selfconfidence to unimagined levels. To a point where there can not be any other reason for failure than factors that are beyond one’s own control. Or in other words: I would have won, but my team …

Not to mention things like map enabling. Your bumbling McCree might be a nasty (for the rank) Junkrat but it’s Havana not Temple of Anubis. Many factors play into performance.

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The more I think about it the more I agree. Most of my games fall Into AI easy while others feel like top500 in my diamond game

Seriously, lets put it on a spectrum of

1 - I am the master of my fate, I can 1v6 any team
10 - IF my team sucks, I suck

People always take things to the extreme. I personally think the game is at an 7/8.

All the “gifted” folks, streamers, devs (because how the system is setup), would want you to think its a 1->5.

The matchmaker makes a match based on MMR. But to really make an actual match that is 50/50 the heros played have to be taken into account. Different matchups can either destroy your skill or enhance it. If it doesnt take the heros played on each team into account then once the matchmaker makes its 50/50 matchup, you can take that result and throw it out the window. Matchmaker literally CANT make a 50/50 game. More decision making effects a games outcome then actual skill.