Can we talk about the 40/40/20 rule?

The 40/40/20 rule says that 40% of games are unwinnable, 40% of games are free wins, and 20% of games come down to your individual plays.

It’s really annoying when every time you aren’t absolutely popping off as DPS your team goes “reeeeee wahhhh our dps are so trash” or “dps diff” in match chat, when in reality 80% of games are team diff.


I think its all conspiracy, I’m currently running between 70-75% winrate on Wreckingball, while dropping like a brick on Hanzo with a 37%ish winrate.

Agreed, it’s all dependent on teamwork, and working together.


The problem is the same. Tanks are trash gg. Unwinnable.

Supports are bad not unwinnable but tough.

Dps are bad. You can carry that.

Dps has the least impact on match outcome so it’s going to be the hardest role to win games on.


This is what I was saying in my thread - if there were no 40/40/20, and it was more like 20/20/60 I dont think ANYONE would complain. Most of the time it would be grueling matches and you would think ok match maker has the even teams.

But some nights its so super win, super loss. and when you get in a super loss streak, the world is against you - the toxicity comes out…

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Blaming this, blaming that, chatting and ranting, finding odd rules and whatever you come up with to feel better. Nothing of that helps, period.

There is actually only one hard truth to climbing:

You are the only member in your team that you can control and improve.


Certainly not true.

Supports enable others - they should “improve” others.
Tanks should control perhaps indirectly how the team moves.

I truly believe this game at its fundamentals, you cannot succeed without the team thus being a team game.

Maybe its was how your phrased it… but it being a team game you cant just be 1v6.

You are the only player you are in control. So you can’t improve other player’s skill, but you can improve your own skill. So how would it help to know the percentage of games you can win by individual skill and which percentage is lost due to other reasons? Your skill is the only factor you can change anyways.


Your mixing “in time” versus “right now”.

Yea IN TIME you can improve your skill, you cannot in one game improve your skill in that same game. BUT the post’s mention the system placing you in a 40% chance of winning that game RIGHT NOW.

I know what your trying to say, but again your trying to massage the bad experience with an “over time” remedy.

And another thing:

The devs HAVE to know what makes a good game. 6 years of tracking all the games and profiles of people should make a very good “big” data case, and I’m sure they could figure it out. Data analytics on 20 min matches.

So either they do know and don’t reveal, but choose not to adjust. Or they don’t know, which is why they don’t reveal and why the system is still 40/40/20.

I hope they don’t know, cause it would be shady if they knew how to make equal games but choose to roflstomps.

If it were balanced there would be more ties. I’m sick of one-sided games

Currently 80% are unwinalendue to leavers , derankers and people who refuse to swap dps

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I have before solo team killed the opposing team at the first choke on eichenwald as pharah.

Captured the second point solo before respawn.

My team still sitting at the choke while the castle door opens.

No matter what you do , you can’t carry that level of stupidity

It’s hard to balance to make it like 20/20/60 or something, you need to remember that there are 6 players on each time, so somehow making one person have the highest impact is kinda impossible


Your games on 01/23/21 do not matter.

Your games on 01/24/21 do not matter.

Your consistency throughout 01/21 and onwards is what matters.


To my understanding, the 40/40/20 rule only applies when you are approaching your actual rank. Maybe you’re not close to that on either Ball and Hanzo?

So how do we fix that on ladder, where the majority of people play solo queue, myself included?

LFG is completely dead. Do we have to start installing 3rd party software like Nintendo’s solution for voice chat on the Switch?

The biggest problem I have while playing Hanzo (or dps in general) is I normally only play after a long work day while I’m burnt out, can’t focus, and drinking, while playing on my days off, I’ll climb 500ish sr bringing me closer to my normal rank. Same as above applies to my Ball play, my reaction speed and survivability are what keeps me alive, but again if playing on my day off, and not drinking, I will climb significantly, and if I had better tracking could potentially push Diamond with my current skills and my physical disability.

I too normally only solo queue, and due to my hero picks also stay quiet in chat until I know how my team is going to react to my play style. Some teams are great with coms, I’ll call out who I dive and get follow up on disrupted enemies, other times, even during the pick phase, I’ll get people in chat and voice “Get off ball hes useless” etc. I think it’s all luck when you solo queue.

As for LFG, it’s basically just in game now for players to easily group and de-rank, most groups looking for people climbing insist on open profiles, mics, and borderline smurf like stats, or you’ll get booted from the group.

You’re probably just better at ball. Hanzo is a lot more reliant on aim and positioning. Ball is forgiving to play because you have up to 1,000hp. Positioning mistakes aren’t instantly punished and you can create value by just rolling around.

Well pretty much every match loss is team loss, just because 1 player is having bag game doesnt mean all 5 cant play better.

yeah , until enemy dps picks 2 tank busters and the “least” impactful role suddenly cant deal with them. Pls explain how a tank is supposed to counter reaper/pharah/mei/sombra/symmetra/junkrat.

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