Can we talk about Hanzo's ult?

They just need to fix the animation so that you don’t die from standing in the empty space around the dragons

It’s a collision area, that’s like something they need to fix with Reaper’s ult, you would think the area Reaper hits would be more of a cylinder but I’ve played Pharah and thinking I could just fly upwards, I’d get killed by his ult if directly above him :confused: It’s a bit more work and frankly in the end it’s not hard to calculate the collision area based on texture and less primitive shapes, but it is definitely doable :confused:

Considering how rarely my dragons kill anyone on their own, I use those to prevent enemy team from escaping or engaging ie zoning tool.

Although there are always some potato awarded players.

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Yup or just clearing the area to let your team in

We are in a day and age where people are complaining about Hanzo’s ult

And people wonder why no one takes the forums seriously

Dragonstrike is only good when paired with Grav. Sometimes you can get a pick or two by cutting off an escape route.

All the things to complain about Hanzo and you choose the one that nobody has a problem with.