D.va is the personality, the image, the thing she’s built up as an icon. In the short, we see Hana Song for the first time, dealing with what she brushes off as D.va. Hana is so much deeper than some bubbly girl who plays video games, she’s a war hero and a soldier. This short really brought that to the front lines, and for some reason people are mad and calling it inconsistent when it truly could not be more consistent.
You know what would have been cool, and I thought this was going to happen…
If when she was waking up and it showed the doctors, blurry vision and all, it turned out to be Angela Ziegler.
Man it would have been so epic, having Mercy help Ana get better.
In fact, it would have been better then anything else. It would show what Mercy has been doing since she left and Overwatch fell, it could also show if she would answer recall. It could have been some super cool long animated thing.
She could talk to Hana, help her recover, give both some more development. Now that’s what people want👌
That would have helped the story.
The short was cool, but had so many missed oportunities, like a million of them lol😂
And was super short, so they could t really do much in it.
I am glad that they did not do the:
“No you can’t do it!”
“I must!”
“You will die!!”
“I will die for others”
“But noooo what about you!”
“Greater good!!!”
“Okay I do it”
But the guy did it after one argument and did not dwell on it.
I thought this was really great because people are always saying they want insight into Hana Song as a character and not just a gamer personality and this was just that. We get to see who she really is when she isn’t hamming it up for the camera or being silly. I really love that they did this.
Ya the ingamepersona is only for her fans and the public to give tjem a false sense of security because as the short shows Koreas defenses are not doing well anymore
What? She was talking about the bike that she smashed up even though they won the race. She was talking about it with that guy in the very same short. She basically just destroyed the mech like how the bike was destroyed. But only this time it was intentional to save the country not just to win the race. Also it was a race against time to stop that omnic before it got to the shore. There wasn’t even time to get reinforcements from the rest of the squad. Pay attention.
people without empathy dont see the difference between normal eyes, focused eyes and accepted death, watery eyes like you can see in that moment, the reflections intensify because of liquid and what a tears made of? yeah… in that moment she accepted death already, she knew that she might not survive it and if the reactor were accessable from the inside i think she would have shoot it from the inside to make sure she doesnt miss while ejecting and that would be a sure death then.
If she expected her actions to kill her for sure then why was she trying to be away from the explosion when it occurred instead of just leaning out her window and shooting the core?
Well, one reason is definitely cinematic value. Its her in game ult, so really its nice to have a cameo in the short
But, think about it, youre shooting a (nuclear??) reactor over the ocean. Simply landing on water from an extended height is enough to shatter bones, let alone a massive shockwave hitting you and plummeting you harder and faster into the ocean. The impact would be like jumping off a building onto concrete.
But, as they shown Hana to be resilient and never giving up, it would make sense for her to try even in the slightest to stay alive
Is this what you people are talking about? Reaching.
Anyway, her being willing to die for her country is kind of a part of being a soldier. The BEST thing this short showed from Hana is just how dedicated she IS to being that soldier that her country needs. Even if said country treats her existence as if she’s a superhero in a film/videogame for the sake of “feel safe” propaganda. Hana IS a superhero, but not for the reasons DVa is portrayed as one.
I didn’t hate the short but it didn’t feel like DVa to me. I wished the could of mixed her in game personality with the one they had in the short a bit. I don’t really like the idea of DVa just being some face she puts on either… I feel like in the short she was just very worried after the last attacks and that she still acts somewhat the way she does in game.