Can we take underperforming heroes seriously now?

Widow fits into pretty much every comp so no, genji is also no I’ve never seen anyone say hey let’s get stuns to counter genji?

That’s just how maintanks work

I actually don’t think mccree is bad right now. I played abit of him the other day and dominated especially on Napal. He is just difficult to play since they is usually always a sniper which you can’t do anything about.


I 100% agree with you

that is why i wrote the small kinda, am confused about him since am not that much of a dbs player but he’s win rate is still…not very good, maybe its just not he’s meta.

Mei went under the radar for a really long time so it’s definately possible. I think they should revert the freezing part so you can save your allies from getting frozen by jumping inbetween like you used to be able to. Because let’s face it, it’s the leftclick Mei’s that people are annoyed by and not the ones who use mainly rightclick

I mean that is the main issue with those heroes. If they’re allowed to be good, their very nature will make the game unfun. Nothing short of a rework to remove those mechanics would make them okay to be viable, but then you’re removing the core identity of those heroes.

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Stop saying that Baptiste is underpowered, he hasn’t really been nerfed at all in fact they also reverted his old ult charge rate nerf. Same time as every support got a healing nerf on the patch, Baptiste got a small slap on the wrist.

Only thing why he isn’t the best pick right now is that people don’t like to play shield tanks rn and all sorts of dive comps are popular. If people want to one trick Baptiste into dive too, maybe increase his projectile speed on healing nade. But I don’t think that is neccessary. Also McCree is fine.

Sym, Mei and Bastion are the odd ones out and actually need some real buffs. Zenyatta needs some QoL buffs/hitbox rework and I don’t really like how devs only want to make Orisa viable in double shield

OP literally says

I swear people never read the entire post.

No one’s asking him to get played a bunch. It’s understandable that he isn’t going to be a good pick in this meta, but he’s literally the only support who is always at negative winrates in every. single. rank and below 1% pick in GM if Orisa is not meta. No other support suffers this bad. That’s a problem, and it needs to be addressed.

Mckinda Surprise

Okay, let’s unpack this.

Note: I’m not trying to present a bias, I know some of these nerfs were needed but let’s get going.

Since December Baptiste has had:

  • A revert to his fire rate to make his primary fire less consistent and overall damage output lower
  • a 20% nerf to his ult charge rate. Received a buff later that changes this to a 5% nerf to ult charge overall from his original nerf.
  • Immortality Field’s cooldown time increased to 25 seconds from 20. Immortality field health reduced to 200 from 250. Now favors corners which can and does interfere with long distance Field throws. Duration reduced to 5 seconds from 8.
  • Biotic Launcher ammo count reduced to 10 grenades, down from 12. Grenades do 50 healing per shot, down from 60.
  • Regen Burst overall healing for allies reduced to 75 healing (15 HPS) over 5 seconds, down from 150 over 5 seconds (30 HPS)

Not only are these nerfs, these are harsh nerfs when stacked against the other nerfs supports have gotten when stood next to each other over the past year. The only other support who really compares is Brig.


I agree with the last part, but primary fire less consistent? They kept the change where they removed random spread and made damage falloff better.

Healing nades being at 60hp/nade was crazy too, he had higher hp/s than Moira with primary. Not to also add his regen burst, which was also buffed to only 13 sec cooldown. Regen burst is much more consistent AoE heals compared to healing orb or Ana nade.

20 sec IF with 8 sec duration meant only 12 sec downtime on it, as cooldown starts when you use it. Now in live it actually has the 20 sec cooldown.

I really love Baptiste, Idk if my opinion matters though, because I play him in lower ranks as in plat and diamond. He can be played with dive tanks or no shield here, if you are not getting peeled enough with playing Ana for example.

Brigitte is in a much worse spot than Baptiste, as her HP got nerfed. Now I only find success with her on certain Koth maps. Brigitte is also playable, but very niche. Baptiste has his niche, but is way more flexible

i still see him in lots of my matches so am not sure if he’s as bad as people say his win-rate is under 50%.

Correction: Baptiste was a compensation because they nerfed his bullet count and regenerative burst so hard that he took too long to get ultimate from before. That’s not really a buff lol.

Baptiste is the worse of all the supports right now. Which yeah he is great in bunker, and they are sort of killing that meta. Now is a great time for blizzard to play around in experimental with him. I’m dead serious we have a ways to go for overwatch2, and so I really think blizzard needs to give him some tlc.

I can’t quote to what sym needs as I don’t play her.

I totally agree and freakin hope blizzard is making a mei a tank for overwatch2. Please I hope so.

I hope they are reworking bastion. I sorta always thought if they switched his sentry turret mode and his ultimate and toned down numbers this is was an idea. I just think they need to move away from making him stationary.

Are you a pessimist or a realist here? Sounds like both to me. Yeah there will never be a perfect balance and yeah not every hero will be perfectly viable. That doesnt mean we shouldnt try or get as close as we can.

I believe that blizzard can try to close that gap even more.

My god, wow, would you like me to go every nerf baptiste has had this year!? Are you delusional? Clearly you don’t play Baptiste.

Btw that “buff” was a compensation because they nerfed his bullet clip and regenerative burst by half and so the next patch they went 15% quicker because of how slow he would get his ultimate.

His win rate and pick rate for a while says that, but that’s besides the fact, he feels awful to play rn. Like freakin bust your butt to get things done and not as much award for skill compare to Ana.

I have mostly played Baptiste, after my poor girl Orisa got nerfed and changed to weird 450hp double shield machine.

As I said I can’t say for higher ranks as I’m pretty low ranked my self (you can stalk my profile), but I always pick Baptiste for every single map that has at least some sort of high ground to play from. He has a high carry potential with IF, amp matrix and he also has one of the highest damage of all supports. His healing is really good as it is AoE and you can do it from further away than Moira. He also has really good mobility, which makes him fun and helps with surviving dives for example.

Brigitte on the other hand is a very niche pick and rather she needs more buffs and even Mei needs something more. I love bunker heroes and Baptiste is kinda the last one standing

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I agree with brig getting back her hp but that’s about all I think she needs at the moment.

I really think you might want to familiarize yourself with some changes they made to baptiste.

High or low level play- I don’t care. He is a shadow of what he used to be. Some nerfs were needed but some were too harsh.

He needs minor buffs on the least problematic parts of his kit or maybe just some quality of life buffs.

I assure you he isn’t too far off from brig.

I think a large issue is he had an a10 warthog firerate on his weapon for so long that people have gotten used to it. I didn’t play too much mccree during that time so I am not too fussed and his new buffs make him insanely good at close range.

Specifically for Bastion, I personally don’t want him reworked. I love how the current Bastion is played and he just needs simple buffs for me to feel good if I play him.

In case you haven’t noticed, Blizz has done more balancing in the past few months than probably any other time.

Don’t be so pessimistic/toxic & give Blizz time. They finally stopped adding heroes to the game so they can focus on balance