Can we stop with this "forced role" crap?

There are more damage heroes than tanks and supports combined. Its also nice to (in theory) see diverse comps.

Forcing a 2 -2-2 role limit is a very dumb idea. You will get people just leaving games because they dont want to play support for the 8th time out of 10 games. If they force it into Competitive, that will just force people to flex into roles they may suck at and might cost you the game.

Quickplay is similar. If you try to force it in QP, ppl will just leave games constsntly and youll be stuck with 3v5 ect.

Sometimes i feel like playing Mccree or ashe. If i queue up and join a game where hanzo and widow are locked every single game , i know ill just leave lol


Lol. You just described how it is now (for those who care about winning and fill). 2-2-2 would allow you to play what you want by picking a role.


It seems like you would queue into those rolls.
So if you don’t want to play support, then don’t get into the queue roll for support.


So what is it you guys are asking? You queue as damage and then sit in a queue for for 20mins instead of just queuing up to play?


I won’t have a problem finding games.

Personally a 20 minute queue is what damage dealers deserve.


Lol ok youre one of those people. Well, I have nothing to discuss with you then


Personally, I’m against roll queue to begin with. :confused:
Forcing people to play certain heroes, or have to wait a long time to play a game, is just going to get people to play support and tank badly.

(It could also lead to some sort of presumed attitude that support and tanks are somehow better and more important for the game that I don’t want to see.)

As you said, right now there are a lot more DPS than there are support and tank. I think if they want to introduce a role queue, then they need to at least double the number of tanks and supports.


Maybe if the balance wasn’t so bland we could have different interesting compositions working. Right now I only see 2/2/2 or 3 dps 1 rank 2 healer working in plat.


Its a terrible idea imo and it will just drive more people away from this game.


People wont be “forced” to play a role and wont leave games if they dont get their role IF there was a proper Role Q implemented :slight_smile:


Where was the discussion?

If a role queue existed this would be a logical outcome.

This is just my opinion.

My opinion is derived from the fact that people who only play the damage role do not deserve fast queue times. If they branch out and play other roles more often, they get to play more often. Well, if this were the case, a role queue wouldn’t even be a point of discussion in the first place.


If you don’t want a 20 minute queue, and you don’t want to ruin the matches for Supports and Tanks who actually like playing Competent Comps vs Competent Comps; then maybe try playing Tank or Support to help balance the load. If every person played Tank, Support and DPS; everyone would get short queues and get to play the roles they wanted to on a regular basis. The only people being punished are selfish players; of course everyone wants to play DPS, it’s a god damn FPS. Right now this game is hemmoraging Tanks and Supports who are tired of hour+ queues to get a competent match up. I know I’ve cut back massively on playing because of it.

As the game stands now, the only class that gets to play anytime they want; is DPS. Try tanking with 0 supports or playing off healer with no Main, etc… DPS get to just boot up, play the game, Supports or Tanks be damned. As someone who has 500-1000 hours on DPS between my accounts, I can tolerate it, since I’m fine going 6th DPS; but it’s not fun.

And believe me, I have always hated playing tanks in every game I’ve ever played prior to Overwatch and only really started to play them about 3 seasons back on this account. Even tanking in Overwatch is awful until you start climbing up the ranks and playing with good teams. Playing Rein with a Zarya, or playing Orisa with a hog, Winston with a DVA etc… The problem is most people are forced to play Tank with 4 DPS and a Main healer; they get absolutely obliterated and have 0 fun, then they never try it again.


Yeah ok, well good luck securing important kills and advancing with brandead DPS that can’t kill anything.

I know it’s a meme but seriously, their roles are important too.

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If you que as a tank or supp then you have to play tank or support! This only comes with a role que system. Otherwise you would be right.

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I’m all for role select, I think the overall quality of games would improve. It would mean longer Q times for dps, but at least people could play the role they want.

I think they need to test this for awhile before implementing though. It’s one thing to think something will be good for the game, but another to show it. Let’s get it on PTR!


As a tank main I know all too well that they are important. Their importance isn’t what I am speaking about, here. I am getting into the territory of selfishness. There are people who love to tank, like me. There are people who love to support, I play supports if both tank roles are filled.

I have no empathy for the person who plays a damage dealer every game and will not share the burden of the “other half”, if anything just to get experience on what it is like to have to do the job.


Personally, I imagine you’d much rather me have the 20 minute wait than for me to instaqueue so I can throw your games on tank. Because that is what happens when someone who has little time on main tank picks main tank in high elo.

As of now my way of getting around this is stacking so I can guarantee that I always get the role I’m best at without contributing to the 4 DPS issue.

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Well you wouldn’t be in my game, since there would be different SR’s based on each role. If your a GM DPS and play Tank at a Plat level, you would be put in a Plat game as a Tank, and if you’re good, you’d climb in that role.

Two options;
Nerf tank and healers to be shield and heal bots.

Limits comps to 2/2/2 and introduce a one swap per match per player rule.

Pick your poison.

Then why have they been balancing towards the need of multiple tanks and supports for a well-functioning team? It’s Blizzard’s fault that we’re in this mess and they’ll have to do something about it soon or late. I don’t necessarily want a forced 2/2/2, but this artificially forcing metas for the sake of OWL because they can’t realize metas get cemented thanks to the game’s core design is a million times worse.

Yeah, they really balanced themselves in a corner and any outcome will be bad.

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