Can we stop with the Mercy spam?

Here’s the thing. You don’t always get what you want. You want a “better” answer, but Blizzard has already been clear enough. A revert is not happening.

How am I stifiling discussion? I am more of just interrupting the echo chamber that are these Mercy forum topics. Also, what is discussion without any sort of push back? How do you expect to do anything without opposition? If everyone did anything they wanted without opposition, then the world would be in a worse place.

sprinkles greatly over exaggerates things

They’re responding directly to you on an old thread.

Sorry to bring you into this. Needed someone else who actually knew what was happening so you can see this.

Edit: For those of you at home whom are just now tuning in, Akira has a very special history here on the forums.

Not only is this player banned from the forums (permanently) across multiple accounts, of which most they’ve admitted to aren’t theirs or were purchased from someone else, they’re also a troll. They’re so much a troll that they continue to pay Blizzard or use someone else’s account just to continue trolling.

Their previous accounts are under the name “NordBigD” which has been perma banned from the forums by looking at the account, “DrDraken” which was later changed to “WildWolf” as well as “Gene” and “RonStoppable” Throughout all of these accounts, this player has been repeatedly banned for breaking CoC and TOS/EULA by sharing accounts/circumventing a punishment.

You can always find them by the way they talk and the fact they’re commonly in threads spamming about Reaper. In fact, it was so easy to find this behavior that after their last perma ban on “RonStoppable” was determined, it took me no less than a week to find this new account they’re on. If you’ve had interaction with any of these accounts prior, I urge you to link what they said or take a screen shot and send it to Blizzard via a ticket if you feel like it is breaking CoC in this way. Since the average player is unable to report someone for anything other than a general category, you must send a ticket to Blizzard for something of this severity (circumventing bans, harassment, etc).

Frequent things this user says: “lmfao” “Reapers trash” “only bad players die to reaper” “your so bad kid” and other toxic things that would easily be considered inflammatory and/or trolling. This user also frequents the forums and hardly ever uses punctuation. You can see by looking through older accounts and all the posts on this account that there’s hardly any kind of punctuation. Not only do they call people bad but they do it so rapidly, they forget to think about stopping.

I urge everyone in the community, report on sight. This is not tolerated in the Blizzard community and has no place here.

I hope you take this PSA and actually use it for the good of the community and OW as a whole…

eh they quoted you in a response on a thread i was active in so i clicked the link :man_shrugging: if they didn’t want me talking to you idk why they would link you to a post talking about me like what lmfao

um no actually drdraken and wildwolf are 2 different accounts lmao dont you get the reference, and ronstoppable is its own seprate thing for what its worth to everyone that reads sprinkles posts and wants me to get suspended all i really want is an f tier hero to not be trash in my elo and sometimes i might get a bit 2 overly aggressive at ppl who literally have nvr played comp and have less then an hour on reaper like sprinkles… who hasent played ow in months and has less the n5 minutes on over half the roster inb4 they say i have no proof but when they had a public profile you could just click it to see

I mean, this has been almost universally how Mercys have been treated since the begining of the witch hunt by XQC and Seagull, so I guess that makes everyone even?

For real though, as much as Mercys hate that the megathread is a void pit made to silence Mercys, we’d like our thread to stop getting troll-locked minutes after it is unlocked. Maybe there would be less threads getting constantly made if there was a place to go and if someone actually gave half a crap about any of it.

Continuing the discussion from [Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018:

When the mega was active, threads were locked because they weren’t in the mega thread.

That’s the only reason they were locked that soon.

If players actually posted in the mega, they wouldn’t have their threads locked and Blizzard wouldn’t be spending so much time looking for threads, only to see they’re not in the right place only to be locked.

The mega served the purpose of consolidation. Considering how many Mercy mains there appears to be on these forums, if every Mercy main made 1 thread every week, there’d be ~10 posts every hour about Mercy’s condition. That’s 1 every 5-7 minutes.

It needed to exist. If not to listen to players, to prevent spam.

Well, seeing as it’s currently being insta-locked as soon as possible after it gets unlocked, that effectively leaves no where else for Mercys to post other than new threads to continue the discussion after they get locked and thrown into a locked pit.

Unless what you’re really saying is you want Mercy players to have no right to talk on the forums.

Edit: You’d also be surprised how many of us DID stay in the mega thread to avoid flooding the forums with redundant posts. Kinda sucks that we’re worth about as much as spoiled chopped liver, and kind of really reinforces the notion that a bunch of us are being lumped together with offenders as if we’re all guilty of something we’re not, and that people truly are out of touch with whats happening.

You can believe that trolls are doing that. If not trolls, Mercy’s so they have an excuse to not post there.

You can believe the former if you want to, but I don’t believe anyone would be that vengeful towards a body of players to actually assist them in spamming the forums with their ideas.

That’s not what I’m saying at all.

They should be able to talk. What they shouldn’t be able to or be doing is creating multiple threads with the same purpose. Whether it be “Revert Mercy” or “Rework Mercy”, there’s no reason there should be more than 1 of these made every 2 or 3 days. Yet, almost everytime I see one, there’s 5 others shortly after it. It’s like instead of joining the conversation that’s already present, they want to waste the people developer’s time by posting the same thing over and over.

It does suck. But when 1 spoiled liver gets in the batch, the rest gets thrown out as they can’t risk them all going bad.

What’s amazing to me is how nobody’s ever said this before. Nobody’s been like this actually explaining what’s going on without being in a somewhat fit of rage about Mercy’s condition. This is one of, if not the only, comment I’ve seen on the forums that actually helped me understand this a little bit better. Even the players every Mercy keeps linking back to (Titanium) hasn’t said anything like this.

Most Mercy’s just say “You don’t understand” and don’t even try to say anything different than what’s already been said.

You’ve been very prejudice today. Damn what a nasty hypocrite.

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I think a lot of it is that we’ve been saying it for so long in so many ways getting endlessly trolled and attacked with strawmen arguments and belittled for merely existing that our tolerance and patience is basically nothing anymore.

To give you an idea of what it’s been like, I spent about 4 hours a day on the PTR during the rework, and posted a TON about the issues with how insanely powerful the changes were. It was letting me do far far FAR too much for too little effort, and it was clearly going to be OP AF once other people started figuring out and abusing it.

The pros saw this too after trying it out after having just merrily sung “ding dong the witch is dead” followed by “suck it Mercy mains, get destroyed” and other similar such responses. (That felt pretty bad, but it’s not like we’re not extremely used to having this happen, so meh.) During the whole feedback time frame, people were relentlessly derailing and trolling and spamming the feedback thread with garbage and genuinely appeared gleeful that Mercy was in their eyes getting completely destroyed. Mercys were mortified because the change was going to make her so wicked OP and we were going to take 100% of the blame for something we had zero influence over.

Fast forward to the rework launching. Daily I was attacked and harassed with people constantly saying “do the world a favor and go kill yourself.” along with many other similar such remarks. I personally know 4 other people who like playing Mercy who experienced the same type of thing almost every single day. Not every game mind you, more like 1/10 matches.

I played all supports spare Lucio because I’m potato with him, and I played half the tanks and half the DPS. I still like heros that don’t require aim because of a lingering sports injury that ruined my right arm; I go more for strategy or game sense heros since I can only get about 8 games with high accuracy before my arm starts killing me from the pain of it. Last time I played, I was sitting in Diamond with 4/12 players in the match masters ranked and was playing Zen for my 6th placement match. I had 31% accuracy and was silver elims with around 25 offensive assists and around 7K healing. Not fantastic, but still was carrying my weight adequately and my Ana accuracy was only at 58% hip and 64% scope that day; so trash.

The first thing that happened that match before I showed I was capable on more than Mercy was someone must have looked at my profile or icon and in chat said “stupid trash boosted Mercy main. worthless c%$t rag piece of s$%t. I hope you and your whole family gets cancer and are killed” (probably not word for word perfect, but thats the gist). Again, a daily event, so what ever. Another proceeded to swap to Mei and block me from harmony orbing the team or discording the enemy, and proceeded to throw. Again, daily event, so not like it’s something I wasn’t used to. At the end of the match another person said “all you Mercys are trash. thanks for losing the game for us. go to hell.” After the match though, I really thought about it and realized that this was complete crap and the game was no longer fun and hadn’t been for actually quite a long time.

The devs ignored a huge portion of the playerbase, not only during the support SR debacle where hide and Rez was discovered to be wildly over rewarding, endlessly antagonized despite constantly begging in the thread about the problem with hide and Rez that Blizzard sequestered into the pits of the PTR bug feedback forum where it is literally a black hole trash can, ignored during the feedback stages of the rework despite our pleas to not make Mercy OP AF, endlessly harassed for apparently dictating the entire rework despite having nothing we said payed any mind (and our feedback even belittled by Kaplan himself at one point), and then endless hate and anger at us in the forums and endless trolling as we tried to reason and explain our position and reasoning hundreds of times.

It was beyond frustrating to no end, and beyond enough that we overall just did not have any interest in continuing to tolerate it. This was when you started seeing a lot of overflow and hostility from Mercy’s. It’s not the right way to handle it, but honestly what would you have done? We didn’t want Ana to be destroyed back when triple tank was king, we simply wanted to not be F tier. We didn’t want Lucio to be reworked and see his pick rate drop to garbage prior to Ana’s dominance, we didn’t want to see Moira get hammered when tank meta was coming back, we didn’t want to see anyone get wrecked because we’re all supports and many of us like playing multiple supports.

That was not a mutual feeling. Many supports along with the majority of the rest of the player base wanted to see Mercy destroyed. OWL even released that Mercy short that was in poor taste celebrating the damage of the Mercy rework. Pretty much it’s endless harassment everywhere and we’re just REALLY tired of it so we really don’t tend to put up with it or handle it the way we should.

So yeah, again, not saying the actions are justified, but we are in fact people and we have limits. We react based on how we’re treated and the cumulative effects of how we’re treated.

If nothing else, hopefully that helps show a bit from the other side of the fence.

The thread isn’t being troll locked. That’s an autolock. It happened to an LGBT thread.It’s been theorized that the megathread was inheriting reports made on topics merged into it. Just make/bump a new one.

Then we are literally making more “spam” repeats of threads, which is what people are doing, and is the topic of this discussion.

I’ve heard the theory about the merged threads, but there just doesn’t appear to be that many threads getting merged into the mega-thread from the time it unlocks to the time it locks again (minutes). Unless the threshold is extremely low, that doesn’t feel like it should be enough to keep locking the thread minutes after it unlocks.

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Nope. You are being belittled because you started to do it to me because I shared my opinion on a small group of individuals that you aren’t even apart of. You are not being belittled because you like Mercy. I play Mercy too. I’m on you because you are a garbage person who slaps lables on anyone who disagrees with you. It’s sick. And you better try a lot harder on this.

Deal with your waifu being average for a while. It’s not that bad of a thing.

You can’t say ‘not word for word luul but that’s basically it.’ they either wished that upon you, or they didn’t. There is no grey area. You are sick friendo. And you twist reality around you to play victim and fit your skewed perception.

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It seems that unless the topic is automatically to the liking of a group of people, the comments throw off the whole conversation, between namecalling or just talking about something else… and there’s little the OP can do to bring the topic back.

In a way, this works perfectly to make sure nothing is ever talked about for too long a time except here and there, every now and then… like that Bastion post that’s still being ignored.

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Catch you on the flip side! (Tomorrow)

What’s sad is players have been banned/suspended for what others did in their topics.

Why? No idea.

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They’re convinced that if they keep the topic up enough that it will lead to change…hence the daily spam barrage (often by the same people)…and yes it is SPAM (cause I know you guys don’t see it as such)…which will only ever result in a negative response

Been telling them (since last year) that they’re doing themselves a disservice but they clearly think it’s the best course of action…blizz has literally put them on “ignore” status and the forums have been slowly turning on them though…maybe they’ll finally get a clue soon…but I doubt it

Inb4 “well blizz should get a clue and fix her”…yeah…you keep telling yourself you’re going to get the thing you actually want even though it’s been a YEAR - I repeat a YEAR - of blizz showing you they’re not doing that…but I’m sure they’ll just randomly change their minds…you know…2 or 3 years from now


Yep, just flag report it as spam and be done with it. It’s not even annoying anymore, just the usual melodramatic revert thread how apparently Mercy is dead etc.

can’t they just make a male equivalent who also has rez as a normal ability to balance things out