Can we stop with all these currencies?

Legacy Credits
Overwatch (Premium) Coins
OWL Tokens
Competitive Legacy Points
Competitive Annual Points
Mythic Shards
Event exclusive currencies (like the Winter Fair Tickets)

Can’t we just have like 3 currencies at once only instead? Why make a new one just for the shop? It would be a better move to just give a Mythic Skin Voucher and get the mythic from the shop.


The most hilarious part is that outside of premium coins everything else is useless.


Fun thing is, if one hasn’t bought any battlepasses (even event ones, nor planning on in the future) nor played any comp ever. There’s only 3.
2 if they haven’t watched any of the old league either.


They’re all either opportunities for direct sales or another method to keep you playing…the hallmarks of F2P…be glad they haven’t done more


That’s how scamming works just look at this.

Material Distortion

Creating a confusing layer between the in game money that you are spending and the real world money value.


Can’t stop, won’t stop. It won’t be a F2P. If it had one or two currency. They need to be more.


Next stop: Collab Shards! Complete collab event challenge (like the one with Le Sserafim event) to earn up to 80 shards. One collab skin costs 80 shards, collab emotes costs 50 shards each, and other small cosmetics (souvenirs and charms) costs 25 shards.

Collab Shards are only available during the event and will expire when the event ends. The shards are also limited only to those particular collab (e.g. Porsche shards are obtainable during Porsche collab event only)

Also there will be Collab Cosmetics Shop (obviously you gotta have the exclusive shop for it).


Obvious confuse currency, with fraction costs so you never completely use it up. Typical corporate evil.

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I would understand the complaining if we could buy all currencies or convert them into others… but its not. We can buy coins (and dead OWL tokens) … thats it. Maybe mythic shards, but we will see about that. None of them can be converted into others so comments like these:

Are overblown and hyperbolic. As a gatcha player I know what “confuse currencys” look like.


The most microtransaction-y games have multiple currencies. I booted up Clash of Clans for the first time in many months and immediately quit when I saw like 4 new currency types

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why not just have one currency?

I never understood the need for multiple.
There’s nothing wrong with rewarding ALL activities in OW with what is essentially money. Let people spend it out how they want.

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The most ways possible to spend money in-game is always a good thing in Blizz’s eyes. This is not uncommon for F2P games. Even more broadly, capitalism in general.

We’re just consumers, they’ll give us every way possible to consume as much as possible. The way of the world now, sadly.


Its been confirmed that you can. At least players can catch up with mythics if they want to.


  • you could buy golden weapons
  • buy the BP
  • buy the old skins
  • buy shop skins
  • buy mythic skins
  • buy OWL skins

That would also result in no more free currency or currency for watching. People would then complain that everything can be bought. It would also remove comp points from comp.

OWL currency is not needed, but the rest is.

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none of those things are bad if everone has a chance to earn them
As far as golden guns …that shouldn’t have ever been a currency…it should be a reward sent to people who hit a certain rank. I never understood why the game makes people go out and buy them

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Thats the thing. You would still get 600 coins a season, because thats how the game makes money. Thats why we need more.

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$70 for a mythic skin is still wild to me

one mythic is more expensive than the entire bebop bundle


Material Distortion

Creating a confusing layer between the in game money that you are spending and the real world money value.


If that means we’re able to get a collab skin for free, I’d be all for it lol.

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Not really because there are zero layers between any of those currencies. You buy coins with cash and you buy OWL tokens with cash. You don’t buy OWL tokens with coins, which would be what you’re talking about.

And well, the other currencies you get by playing so it doesn’t really apply in the first place. Technically Mythic Shards count, but that’s just technically.

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