Can we stop pretending zenyatta is fine?

it’s insane to me how people complain about baguette and moth yet give zenyatta a pass.

let’s take a look at some facts:

he can 1v1 literally any character in the game better than most DPS can. he has a one shot ability with his L2 but he doesn’t even need to use it half the time because discord + R2 melts anyone with, like, two or three hits.

now, let’s clear up some misconceptions zenyatta mains like to throw out:

  • NO, his healing is not bad. it’s only bad if he’s the only healer on the team, which should never be the case.

  • NO, his immoblity is not a problem. he has IMMENSE range to make up for it, and good positioning will help him greatly. not to mention: good luck trying to 1v1 him! as i’ve mentioned before, he has no problem melting people from both far away and up close.

one last thing: his ult. so many of y’all love to rat on mass rez for being “OP!!” and “cheap!!” when zenyatta ult does literally the same thing but even better. if mass rez was in the game right now, it would actually have a hard counter next week with hammond’s ult.

it seems like me like y’all like to purposely ignore how broken zenyatta is just because he has to aim, which, as many people have been pointing out recently, really isn’t that hard to do… :thinking:


I quit reading after he can 1v1 literally any character in the game better than most DPS can.


Zenyatta can melt enemies…if you’re Jjonak.


I don’t think it would be smart to nerf the only hero capable of countering Grav/dragons :man_shrugging:

Ahah. Fun post. It’s hard to not win a 1v1 against zen if he is not a very good at him. Sombra can 1v1 him really easily.

Zen is fine. Period end of story.

Zen is fine.

Not having a good counter to GravDragons that isn’t Zen.
That’s not fine.

zen is fine…

Remember when zen had a higher rpm?

So he can’t solo heal, has no mobility and you’d like it if he couldn’t win 1v1s either?

So basically you want Zen to be useless and die whenever engaged?

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Still easier to kill, than Brig or Mercy.

and you’d have to have really bad aim to lose a 1v1 against Zen every time, his hit box is larger than mercy’s, and he doesn’t have a shield or that combo that Brig does, plus his fire rate is very slow, yes he can dish out a heck of a lot of damage but he has to land every shot for it to count.

I realize it might not mean a lot coming from someone with so many hours on him, but you’re assuming every Zenyatta is capable of pulling out professional tier aim, timing, tracking, and concentration.

Even with my 300+ on this account alone, you’re likely to beat me in a 1v1 because I’m not a god. I’m vulnerable to flankers if my team isn’t keeping tabs on my back. I’m easy to headshot to any sniper. I can’t disengage. I don’t regenerate health or shields like the other Supports unless I’m untouched for three seconds. That’s so much time. My hitbox is huge. My reload time is massive. Transcendence has multiple counters.

To say Zenyatta is broken and unbeatable is just ignorant. He’s easy pickings.

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Oh no not you again. Oh no indeed

And you lost me.


I pretty much stopped taking this thread seriously right here. The degree of skill difference needed for a Zenyatta to effectively combat most of the Damage roster is large, to say the least.

tl;dr Yes, his healing is bad and he therefore should not be used to solo heal. You contradict yourself in this statement.

Range doesn’t make up for immobility when there are mobile heroes who can easily close the gap to take away the range advantage. It’s basically why Ana is doubly bad in Dive as opposed to less mobile metas, like GravDragon or Beyblade.

Huh? No. People complain about Rez on cooldown being OP. Mass Rez on ult was fine balance-wise, it was just very frustrating for a lot of folks. That doesn’t make it unbalanced.

Zenyatta’s ult can still be overcome by burst damage and anti-nade :man_shrugging: It’s powerful, but it can be countered

Zenyatta is fine

How would you even nerf zen without absolutely canning him? I can get the sentiment that if you give him to a good player he can shred literally anything which i dont think is ok. But hes not even in the top 5 offenders of this. I cant really think of anything beyond dropping discord down to 25% or something, but even the that might just be enough to make him invalid.

L2? R2??

Wait a second…

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Salty. A. F.

symmetra exists, though. :man_shrugging:

Your whole post literally shuts itself down at, “He can”, that’s right, “He can potentially”, like many hero’s, including supports can, I don’t even need to tear this post apart, you did it yourself.