Can we stop nerfing Brig? This new change would be her seventh nerf in a row

a hero being nerfed several times doesn’t mean they’re balanced or immune to getting more nerfs

just look at mercy 2.0


Brig is becoming the new Mercy


I don’t agree with all the Mercy nerfs either, but that’s another battle for another day. But seven nerfs in a row is quite excessive.


Seventh nerf in a row? Oh calamity!

Mercy mains of in a corner rolling their eyes and facepalming hard.

It at least shows Blizzard have no idea what they’re doing.


number of nerfs =/= how UP a hero is. The nerfs she gets are miniscule in comparison to other nerfs like valk losing it’s res charges, lucio getting his aura cut in 1/3. this isn’t even close to a valid argument.


She needs a change rather than a nerf, but I also do not think preventing the bash to go through shields is the way to go. If she’s going to move up to the front to try and initiate a fight, I think more resources should have to be expended before she can create the opening for shatter or cause as much disruption to tanks as she does now.

Linked is my proposed change, which essentially says shield bash should stun targets with lower current health than brig, but only do a slight knockback to enemies with higher current health at the time of the bash.

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they nerf her 2 times and that=too much?

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I think that Brig is going to be in a comfy spot, now.

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… Well damn… #DeleteBrig is Petty, Just #Adapt #Counter Comps - #185 by Glorious-11101

Seven times. I listed all the nerfs at the top.

It is almost like she was excessively powerful when she dropped.

Anyway, a hero getting n nerfs does not preclude them from getting another one if n + 1 is what it takes for them to be balanced.

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^ quick maths dude pog u

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brig is not balanced lmao they need to nerf her

She had 7 nerfs? Those obviously didn’t affect her seeing her current state lol

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look at all the other new released heroes. they took too long to nerf brig cuz they wanted her to be new meta. The fact that it took them so many nerfs and she’s still pretty broken is sad.


100% piCkRaTe iS bALaNcEd


as a tracer main, I’m really excited for her slight nerf that stops her from stunning shields but she has a lot of work needed

She will still be viable, goats wont go away, she still counters most dps.

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That is actually true because they were nerfing the wrong things, as they are about to do again; however, this time it will have the opposite effect.

She needs a re-work. Her kit self-handedly caused the reworks of Symmetra and Torb. Instead of buffing them in the areas they needed, they just reworked them totally and made them hollow, unfun, and less useful than they already were.

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