Can we stop nerfing Brig? This new change would be her seventh nerf in a row

as a tracer main, I’m really excited for her slight nerf that stops her from stunning shields but she has a lot of work needed

She will still be viable, goats wont go away, she still counters most dps.

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That is actually true because they were nerfing the wrong things, as they are about to do again; however, this time it will have the opposite effect.

She needs a re-work. Her kit self-handedly caused the reworks of Symmetra and Torb. Instead of buffing them in the areas they needed, they just reworked them totally and made them hollow, unfun, and less useful than they already were.

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she’s worse than mercy and she’s not gonna be murdered unlike mercy because everything about her is good

3.83% on Overbuff. She’s the second least picked at the moment in Support.

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You said you were fine with Pre nerf mercy lmao
who had 100% pickrate

the counter to brigitte is herself, doom (getting nerfed), not even pharah, high burst. Unless the brig is really bad you would need to play goats which is not a fun state, look at my post on cool ways of reworking her.

So where are my Dva nerfs?

Brig, Mei, Pharah, Doom, Junk, Zarya, Sombra are all easy counters to her.

2 Likes was picked 98% in OWL while mercy was picked 100% in literally every rank.
Not to mention there’s almost 0 denying that mercy’s kit was busted as heck when 2.0 first came out

have you considered the possibility that there’s a reason she’s been getting so many nerfs? and that You having fun playing your favorite hero isn’t the most important thing in the world in the grand scheme of things? and that your own subjective aspect of fun isn’t very good objective justification for keeping this broken hero broken? because she’s been too powerful in many respects from the time she was released, and still is after all the nerfs? she doesn’t need to be compensated for nerfs when she already does way too much.

like, imo, why does she still have that ridiculous speed buff during rally for one thing? in what world is that necessary and not overkill? i don’t know how any reasonable person can look at Brigitte’s kit and say “yea, that’s balanced. i don’t know what everyone is complaining about”


zarya and junk doesnt counter brig if the brig doesn’t feed and holds shield with team, sombra is becoming weaker with the shift of meta, dva counters pharah but 50/50, mei wont be able to burst brig down. Oh wait this is goats comp.

I never said I was fine with 2.0 Mercy because I wasn’t.
I repeat to you, where are my Dva nerfs? She has borderline 100 percent pickrate in OWL and OWWC.
Also, when does Brig have a 100 percent pickrate?
Can you provide some evidence please.

brig is pretty balanced now in my opinion though people will never stop asking for nerfs for her because they have a huge bias against her and dont care how bad she gets as long as shes not used anymore


trust me she is will not, she still deletes dps, the issue is shield bash itself:

What if her bash is replaced with her being able to plant the shield in front of her which expands significantly with way more health but she becomes more vulnerable without the shield and less health (options: loses self heal, loses her armor or 200 hp). However to combats this, she gets some sort of buff with more dmg (faster/heavier swings and buff to flail) and/or heals. So she is very defensive with the shield but does not do alot of dmg and heals (maybe the aura is way smaller and the hits are slower). The flip of this is she can place the shield where then the ability goes on some mid cool down, and she can be more aggressive and heal more but is more vunerable (health debuff), and can be killed more easily. She can press the ability again (when off cooldown) to retrieve the shield from quiet a far distance (the farther the more time it takes to travel). It doesn’t need to be in line of sight but there is a limit to the distance. Of course, she needs to be fine tuned but I think it would work out and she would definitely retain being a hybrid and more dynamic and skilled, with brig players thinking about of cooldowns and balancing her defensive and aggresive playstyle. Maybe even the shield emits some sorts of healing (little amount), just a suggestion.

Okay this isn’t how counterplay works.
First off, mei and doom do NOT counter brig, in fact brig counters doom I don’t care if rocket punch goes through barriers, doomfist literally cannot perform his combo on her, and even if he lands a fully charged rocket punch she has 5 hp, though rp is easily avoided.
Dont know why you think mei counters brig anyways.

okay anyways lets discuss counterplay:
lets say the brig is completely rolling the enemy team, the enemy goes pharah, but then that doesn’t matter because brigs team goes widow so that doesn’t work. Then the enemy goes junk, that doesn’t work because brig just has to not overextend so much, even in 1v1’s brig can beat junk with her combo, so junk doesn’t work either, not to mention he IS f tier. Then the enemy goes sombra, she hacks the brig but her damage is so little that she cannot kill the brig, the only way to kill her would have to be with team coordination, meaning the whole team would have to jump on her ALONG with a successful hack to kill her, note: team coordination needed + you must be all grouped up etc etc because you can’t just jump on her, you have the whole enemy team to deal with.

For zarya, that’s wrong as well, the BEST ZARYA PLAYER IN THE WORLD with MAX CHARGE couldn’t beat a brig. What you gonna tell the best zarya player to git gud?
Seriously dude

Yeah. You don’t know what youre on about.
Silver logic I guess.

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This is so true its crazy.

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Even though I wouldn’t mind a few nerfs, there’s a few reasons why has that pickrate, it’s because she’s just viable in every situation, every map every meta etc. She fits with rein comps, dive comps, GOATS comps, that’s literally the meta right now.