Can we stop exaggerating 1-3-2 problems?

The mode isn’t really bad bad.
As a support and tank player I think the buffs to tanks makes them very enjoyable and feel like the star player. It feels less like you’re just a bullet sponge and an actual raid boss or threat, You feel important and because there is one less 500 Healthpoint Enemy player, you kill the enemy a lot easier.

The only real problem is that the support line isn’t equipped to deal with three DPS on the field so they need survivability buffs.


The mode is very unbalanced right now but I personally believe that balancing COULD fix it. It’s got potential in my opinion.


I don’t know, only 1 tank doesn’t feel like enough to hold 3 DPS around him to create the anchor impression of a team fight.

3 DPS play spread and then team fights lose its reference of where it is happening at.
At least in 222 you know it is between / around both tanks.

That’s my complaint as a support player, you don’t know if you go with your tank, because there’s an objective to accomplish, but not enough defenses, or if you go heal your spread DPS.

And of course supports will suffer the most because they are important targets to take down and they seem fragile and (sometimes) limited to fight back or too occupied not letting your team die to fight back, you know?


I dislike a lot about 1-3-2, but if I were to pick the 2 biggest problems with it, it’s:

  • we will see the inevitable rise in snipers now that there are less shields and divers to deal with them.
  • Like EFR said, no one groups with the tank. Yea, you got all these crazy powers, but no one cares and all the DPS run off to their own corner to play peek-a-shoot.

It’s pretty bad.

The issue isn’t just due to imbalance of heroes (though the amount of burst damage that still exists would certainly need to be looked at if they ever do anything with 1 - 3 - 2), it’s the general player mentality that would somehow need to be shaken up.

132 is basically a glorified FFA by this point, and it hardly even feels like a team experience anymore. You know, the whole point that Overwatch sold itself on being. Most of the time the DPS will be off on their own trying (and often failing) to get kills without even considering the supports or the lone tank trying to push objectives.


One more - should this mode go live, the DPS will start demaning a 24/7 cycle of tank-support nerfs again, gutting the already underpowered roles.

As a consequence, their own queue times will go up and they’ll start demanding 1-4-1 or 0-5-1 or something else for them alone.


In my experience, one of the two supports essentially become “babysit the tank”, and the Tank becomes nearly unplayable if the enemy just swaps to Mei or Sombra, since you don’t have anyone to help cover the team as you get CC spammed.

Can these problems be fixed? Sure. But as it is currently, it is not a good idea to put it to live.

Personally I never really had much of an issue with this. But on the other hand I didn’t really play Ana or Zen, who are the ones with the least survivability.


It is a bit of an issue. The flanker DPS can very easily erase one or both supports if they’re not communicating.

And Mobility buffs, because heroes like Moira struggle to keep up outside of her fade (which is on a 6 sec CD) has no speed. and has no range ontop of that.

Also Blizzard were against adding 1-3-2 and only did it because the community ASKED to try it.

We shouldn’t make MAJOR changes like this to the game just to “decrease queue times”

It ruins 3 heroes in support, many in DPS category too.

Bap, Brig and Moira will be trash tier at high ranks for the whole on 1-3-2 existence if it’s added to the game. Same with Heroes like Reaper. I could go on with my list but icba


1/2/3 cuts down the hyper-mitigation and makes the game progress faster by people dying instead of being a game of shoot the barrier until your Q is up.

Snipers are a problem in chokepoint heavy shooters like this no matter how you divide the teams.

What everyone else is bawling about is the fact that the level of teamwork they expect from a pack of randos on the internets does not, and will not exist.


Moira is one of the lucky supports out of this compared to Ana and zen. She can easily flourish in a setting with multiple 200 hp targets to bully

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I’m talking about their own team. Not the enemy team.

Moira is GOOD against DPS comps, but not good IN a DPS comp.

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Tanks didn’t exactly all gain much either.

If you’re not running Reinhardt or Zarya, with the occasional Hog, you’re basically throwing the game. Sniper-Heavy games means no protection will result in nothing but your team being easily picked off. This also means that Orisa (who is too slow and generally weak to deal with anything), DvA (who provides very little protection against Rein and Zarya), and especially Wrecking Ball (who is virtually worthless now) are all essentially redundant and not worth bothering with.


Then the game and mode has failed. If victory depends on you playing as a team, and because of how the structure works you can’t actually manage that, the mode goes against what the game was sold on , and should be scrapped.

Also, this is still just a game of waiting for Qs. Even more now since Reinhardts basically steer the entire mode into victory or loss.


Well it was a project cobbled together from a failure to launch MMO to try and get Bobby the Tick some of that sweet E-SPAWTS money. At least TF2 acknowledged for a while that it was a unbalanced mess pub game but still fun to play.

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…Yeah, that’s the big issue.

I think Overwatch could have been made into an Esport, but I think they did it way too early. It almost feels like the Esport was made before the game was even finished.

If they had just focused on the game for a few years and then brought in the Esport, maybe it would be a different story. But now it just feels like they’ve got to split balance between Streamers, the bulk majority of players, and the Esport Crowd


My problem is with design changes around tanking and i dont think i gona stop about it. Like you say it

Im dont want to be a star player, im want to be player, like anyone else on the team. Im not interested into plaing as raid boss in this game outside of custom games. :man_shrugging:

Im also not up for “faster games means more fun” talk, i myself prefere slower games than rush in and kill.

Just my take on it, and why this change would make me quit either tanking, or the game.


Same. Slower games have room for strategy and counterplay, instead of “who just happened to pick the best DPS for the job on the first engagement.”

Games go by so fast that even switching is unviable, because you won’t keep up in the “rush Q” race if you lose any ult charge from switching.


Maybe on a bad team dps will be doing that. But play on a good team and dps follows the diving Winston, 2 are flanking and one is acting like the second tank or whatever helping peel on the ground while the other 2 dps are peeling on the high ground. It totally works. This idea of chaos is just because they balance is so different and people don’t know how to play. Like when a new hero is released or when 222 was first implemented.

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It really is a better version of the game.