Can we rework shadowstep please?

Into the awesomeness that is his highlight intro?

Shadowstep - _ 1.5 second cast time. 10 second cooldown_ - Reaper decends into the shadows and reemerges within a limited area of the players choosing.

Opponents cannot detect his location during shadowstep. Camera goes into Third Person (Similar to Doomfist) once activated. Reaper can stay in this form until activation button is pressed once again. Once a target place is chosen reaper reemerges from that location. Limited to 30 meter Radius. Cooldown doesnt start until activation of the ability.

Also can reaper get a mid ranged pump action shot blast that does focused damage in one area? Maybe have him fire both shotguns at the same time? It wont sting so much when we are trying to gun down certain heros and they are just tickled instead.

What do you guys think?


I wouldn’t be opposed to either! It would allow Reaper to keep the general idea behind shadowstep, but also give it more usefulness. Shadowstep needs some tweaking, and I’d hate for him to lose it altogether. To further separate him from new Torb (as they now fill a very similar overall role) I think he needs to be a more effective flanker/backline assassin.

And I’m all for any added abilities/alt fire to Reaper’s kit. He needs something, that’s for sure.

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Besides armor one of reapers biggest problems is getting in a flanking position to get a kill and when he finally does cannot sustain himself long enough before he has to Wraith out. I think both of these would help with those.

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I’m surprised they don’t give him an obscure ability to help with his stealth.

(Or that it’s not in the game yet either in any way)

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Same, friend. Same. I’m hoping they have something creative cooked up that we haven’t even really thought about. Or that they’ve looked into the many suggestions on this board and are working on em as we speak.

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Here’s hoping!

I mean he should have something with his alt fire; be it some form of burst damage or like an obscure.

Shadowstep should be addressed too since it follows the same flaws that current TP has, albeit has been that way for longer. The wonky execution that really doesn’t fit the speed the matches go for.

I do hope they just tweak him and not give him an overhaul.

We seem to be on the exact same page! Again, I agree completely.

It makes complete sense that they would add some utility to his alt fire, as that would be the best way to address some of his issues seemingly. Could fill holes in his kit while tweaking the rest of his current kit would really smooth him out. Shadowstep is great in its intent for his kit, the execution on the other hand could use some tweaks

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As I’ve said I don’t main Reaper but I do enjoy him! I like his character and his kit, well what he has thus far.

I agree that he feels like he’s missing something NOW at least. Early OW? Not so much, but with how the game changed so do a lot of the old heroes.

Here’s hoping that within the next few patches he gets some looking at!

:beer: Cheers!

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Yup. It feels as if he’s just fallen behind as the game, and heroes, have grown. I still enjoy playing him very much, and can even make him work (to an extent) in comp. But he needs something. It happens. I know there are a vocal few who believe the devs don’t care or don’t like a certain character, but I just can’t imagine that being the case. If it were up to them, every character would be in a healthy spot and be viable, even if it’s situational. So they’ll get around to him, just a matter of time.

Cheers, friend :beer:

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I agree, rework shadow step. Rename it shadow float. Should get him in a nice spot. If you wanna go for more change his audio line for his tele to reapersitioning

I developed an extensive Reaper rework that made him much more effective here: Reaper Rework (Proposed, not Blizzard)