Can we remove open que?

Just don’t play it then. It’s that simple.

dude you have role queue… you are not forced to play open queue

Well if we’re taking this attitude, for me can you remove Workshop, all the Arcade Modes except Chateau Deathmatch and QPC, and both Role Queue Modes of the game?

They’re not to my taste and I don’t think anyone else should be allowed to enjoy them.

They can very often impact on how effective you can be on the heroes you like and that impacts on how much you enjoy them.

sOuNdS LiKe YoU NeEd To GiT gUd

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open queue could pose a serious threat to troll queue depending on if tank players move there en masse. I could see this happening if tank players begin to realise that actually they prefer not being trapped in their role jail and enjoy the freedom to swap between different roles if for example they are lacking in hitcan or something
so as much as we may want to laugh at this kind of thinking I can see why people may want to stamp out the perceived threat of open queue as early as possible because if it grows in popularity then troll queue could become the niche mode
Indeed before the introduction of open queue when we were trying to get it implemented this was the same kind of thinking or argumentation used against it

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This is like having a favorite restaurant where you like the food

And then trying a new one-

Only you find don’t like the food at the new one

So you want this new one closed down because you like the food at your usual spot more.

Just don’t go to that restaurant- and mind your own business when others do.

“Can we remove pizzerias?”

“I don’t like pizza. They always burn it and I’m lactose intolerant.”


would you play a completely useless character in a competitive environment?
the answer is no, unless you like loosing or are throwing.

What is this delusional post?

But why? I don’t like open queue but others do so the option should be there for them.

That’s like saying “I don’t like mystery heroes because it’s all RNG! Remove it blizz”

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it’s an open secret that Open Que is terrible and that’s good because it makes 2/2/2 better by taking away bad faith players.

Then just play 2/2/2?


I don’t think removing it is okay, people are enjoying it and they’re allowed to.

If you’re not having fun, just queue for 2-2-2, so that you can have fun on it whilst others have fun in open queue. Similarily to how i HATE CTF, so you wont really catch me playing it willingly ever.

I think comp is the garbagiest game mode OW has. Only played to get the gold gun. I don’t want it removed. I just don’t go near it. Open Q helps with Q times. DPS have another mode. So it would reduce waits in RQ.

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But its the freedom to choose that matters, that sense of agency, switching to and fro at random as “flex”, the sheer creativity of it all that makes OQ special.


Most players mindlessly want to pew pew pew…you have to accept this. Half are vaping, drunk or high, or play 2-3 hours a week or are playing for the first time on their brother’s account and barely have a clue how the game works, they just want a few minutes to “be” that character. You cannot expect much from them in terms of actual quality, even the mechanically gifted ones.

i’d like it removed for 1-3-2. Open queue is either 4 dps or GOATS.

I found this quote weirdly profound and peaceful

You still have role lock. Stop complaining and go play it.

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