Can we please try a 2,2,2 arcade mode?

It would even nice to get a dev reply on this

I’m actually for role queue as well but the 2/2/2 system is more about game balance than trying to replace role queue as a concept. Forcing one of each role eliminates metas like GOATS.

It also makes first come, first served law. So imagine this, because my pc is a little bit slower(one or two seconds) , I will be forced to play the $#i**y jobs ( tank and support). It will not be fun. And some people in my place will (not even might) throw/leave . Not everyone is willling to play them and the majority of this game’s players are dps.

Also, what if my dps are Sombra and Symm? I can try to make it work, but you know it will be a $#i* show.

What if your tanks and supps dont gel together too? Hog and WB, with Zen and Brig. It wont be pretty.

People think people will make good team choices just because they are 2/2/2 ing. It might kill goats, but at what cost?

That is the question.

It would be nice to see and to at least test out. A lot of people thought being perma locked to 1 hero for an entire match would be good too, but the MOBAwatch Arcade mode disproved that theory.

I think this would instantly become a very popular arcade mode and actual ranked would have fewer players.

Let’s do it!

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I don’t mean to spam my post but I’m genuinely curious on if you would feel my 1/1/1 would be a better situation for you.

So if they did this team comps of people that play comp in a non team manner will have the same experience (bad team comps and no synergy in the team) and letting people queue for roles would let people pick the roles they want to play.

Agreed. I haven’t messed with it as much because my settings/cosmetics don’t carry over.

Yep I agree. I would play it all day like FFA

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Queue times would only lengthen for DPS one role tricks. As someone who’s put in about 150-200 hours of tanking in the last couple of months, it’s such a cancerous role to want to play. 1/2 my games are unplayable to me, since tanks can’t function without supports and I refuse to solo tank or tank with a solo healer anymore (it’s not good for your health), so I go back to my DPS roots and shoot stuff. Aka, if you want me to tank for you, its gonna be in a competent composition. DPS players always get to play, regardless of comp; tanks and supports are borderline unplayable without eachother. I’d rather wait 1-2 extra mins for a good match, than be rushed into a game I can’t play or is so horribly unfun due to the comp that I alt tab and watch random youtube videos instead, and I imagine the same is felt by many of the tank mains out there. I’d argue a forced role queue would bring back many tanks who find the game too much of a chore to find playable matches that are fun.

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But with one of each role you can still have 4 DPS, or 3 tanks, 2 healers, and a DPS, which isn’t too far from goats.

That’s true, but it’s a more balanced role set without having to put limitations on heroes to compensate for compositions like GOATS. Would you be satisfied if all Tank damage or health was suddenly nerfed to counter goats or would you prefer a 1/1/1 role system? Maybe all healing gets nerfed instead and supports are removed almost entirely from the meta? Mercy might end up as the only healer worth using again because she has rez and all other healing output isn’t significant enough to compete with the damage intake.
These are some extreme possibilities but possibilities. If you did have a team with 3 tanks, that limits you to 2 supports and vice versa. You will never have an overly strong team composition in a 4/1/1 because while you might have a heavy 4 damage hero output, you still only have 1 healer and 1 tank and they’re going to be your weakest links.

This is what LFG intended to do and does to some extend. You have those groups with 2-2-2 comps and usually it is tanks people wait most for, just for them to go into dust after one match.

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What makes it even worse is that you can’t set an SR range for the games you look for, or for the players you want to join. So your forced to put “Gold+ / Plat+ / Diamond+ / Masters+” in the title. But then people with hidden profiles come, so you gotta put “Open Profiles”, you gotta check everyones profiles and it becomes tedious. And if you try to join a game and you go to view the host profile, by the time you check and go to join the game, it’s already full or has departed; otherwise you have to join, check, then quit if they’re too low. It has great potential, it’s just poorly implemented at the moment.


I’m prepared to wait. Will be annoyed a bit but if it means better quality of matches. I’m down

When did they say this? Which “tests” were implemented into the main game modes…?

It would only be a problem if that mode was the only one possible. But we want this as an arcade mode. So only with people who accept that maybe they will not be able to play dps. And that maybe they will need to tank or heal. That’s the price i could pay everyday to have a way higher chance to have a pleasant game.

If that’s problem for you … just play quickplay or comp. Where is the problem ?

That would be Role Select; Role Queue would be you select at the Menu whether you want to Tank, Support or DPS and the game will find you 2 of each; so you’d be able to play whatever you wanted, wait times would just be varied with Tanks and Supports having the shortest times, since they’d be in the highest demand with the lowest supply. A Role Select would be the game puts you in with 5 other people and then you all pick what roles you wanted. If they went with a Role Queue, they’d also be able to implement separate SR’s for the various roles. So now if you’re a Masters DPS but play Support at a Plat level, you would be able to queue up for Support and not get stomped by a bunch of Masters, etc.

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just put it into arcade for a month and then listen to the feedback.

ptr does not have enough people playing it and the balance of the matchmaking is bad on ptr anyway.

No, most of people wanting a role queue/ forced 2/2/2 / whatever shenanigan of the month want is that those things to NOT be an arcade mode, but standart practice. If it was an arcade mode, id be ok and even on your side. I want arcade to test funky things like those, friendly fire, more than 2 cps etc.

And I am sorry, again, you guys need to think about the consequences of this. Yes you will delete goats. But at what cost?