They’ve combined Roadhog and Bastion in to one single very annoying character.
Hard to kill like Roadhog and incredibly high damage like bastion.
Personal, but i do not enjoy playing against both of these. And Mauga is just killing the fun for me.
They’ve combined Roadhog and Bastion in to one single very annoying character.
Hard to kill like Roadhog and incredibly high damage like bastion.
Personal, but i do not enjoy playing against both of these. And Mauga is just killing the fun for me.
I am relatively certain that we are stuck with this version of him for the holidays. I am pretty sure they buffed him right before leaving for vacation.
It’s worse when they have Mauga and Bastion.
And they have a Kiriko to cleanse your Ana’s anti-nade.
It’s pretty terrible. They really need to stop releasing heroes into comp with a big buff. They never seem to learn. It really does scream “we’re incompetent”.
It’s not that bad. I play him mainly but if the enemy swaps to Mauga, I’ll go JQ and just rip his Kiriko’s head off and use it to bash his other support’s skull in while cutting Genji in half and throwing his torso at Soldier.
My dps finishes the big guy off as I do this
Homie, you have Overwatch confused with Mortal Kombat. There are no decapitations or torso projectiles in this game.
I am very impressed, however. The Queen is clean.
I can imagine junkerqueen being that way. One game as ashe she targeted me specifically. One of the scariest games I ever played
I think that JQ had a grudge with ashe players or something
Doesn’t work well especially on big open maps. Mauga can’t really protect bastion, and both are resource heavy.
my favorite part of playing against mauga, is when everyone else swaps to Mauga, Bastion, Ana to match
Nobody. Literally nobody ever:
Blizzard: how do we design a hero whose entire gameplay loop revolves around staying alive forever so they can play into Ana?
Dammit i totally forgot they are on holiday and left this lump of coal for everyone. Sad Holidays indeed.
I will seek refuge in this thread with my fellow suffering comrades.
Misery loves company.
Nothing but sadness.
LOL i was going to say oml