Can we please make Public Profile's the default setting?

I’m not micromanaging anyone, i don’t care. People who do care will fall behind because they can’t accept that others want to play something else, and will only harm their potential wins.

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not exactly - the haters already flame those with private profiles as things are now

haters will be haters

Remove the public profile option completely. Private or friends only.


That is even worse. There will be no data anywhere.

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You cared enough to post this because you want certain info you dont always have access to now, claiming you “need” it when in fact you dont.

You and I can play characters in a game without you knowing anything about my stats, thank you


You’re putting words in my mouth. I need it and the community needs it for checking global rank stats on Overbuff, and provide feedback for the developers. I don’t care if you’re terrible because you would be in my rank, i don’t care what characters you play either.


I’m not. But I can imagine a scenario were someone thinks like that. If you seriously tell me that no one in this game would be suspicious of someone if they knew they were hiding their profile on purpose then I will leave this thread immediately.

So you’re saying “no” to public profiles being default,because of some people hurting your feelings?

There’s no need for individual data. Aggregate data is fine.

Yeah but think about how much worse it will be.

No, you are confusing what you want with what you need

You do not need it - you can play just fine without knowing the stats of any of your teammates

Now aggregated stats - those are a separate issue, and I have no concern with those


But for aggregate data, we need the public profile option. We can’t check people’s stats who have their profiles set to “private”. No public stats, no aggregate stats.


I love knowing who mains what(DPS/TANK/SUPPORT) Idc about the individual hero.

I don’t want to see the stats of my teammates. I want to see the stats on Overbuff, and we need public profiles for accurate aggregate data.

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I have a very thick skin, there are no hurted fewwing heres

Again - no one “needs” personal data on individual players

want, not need


The developer have access to there own data on everyone. They dont need Overbuff. As for personal information its mine, just like FB and Twitter ect… I let those I know only have access. If you are so care free with it (PI) why not open all your social media accounts so we can look at it.

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Yes we do, we are a community and we need to provide well-constructed feedback for the developers.


again with the “need”

no, you “want”, not “need”


The people that choose to keep their profiles private do not want to use these sites.

A) Was not a part of the database or
B) Was on the database because of others who wanted to look them up.

In either case, they, themselves do not care about there stats in that way. You can conclude that these stats would be superfluous for your case studies.


I don’t really use much social media, but i don’t really have anything to hide, nor i have personal information on them. They are all public, in at least those i use.