not need
not need
Then give us a better reason to not have profiles set topublic by default,than “because some people are mean”
One needs to know what the other is playing.Some people won’t even accept people with private profiles when making a group in LFG because they don’t know wth the other is playing.They could be a support going tank.
Why would you be suspicious though? That’s my point. I most certainly wouldn’t be suspicious of another player’s private profile. If it’s private, that’s none of my business! Perhaps they’re a tired Sym main and don’t want to be bullied about it, or maybe they’ve got a super high level but their accumulated hours don’t match who they’re currently playing and don’t want to be bothered, or maybe they just didn’t set it to public! Who cares?
It’s none of my business to know what their profile contains, and it’s none of my business to go seeking reasons, either.
These stats wouldn’t be superfluous. They are players doing their best and trying to win, and their stats would be important in providing stats in the heroes and maps they play, even if they aren’t very good.
then ask on chat
The sample is more than large enough already, the “We need Overbuff data” excuse doesn’t cut it. Read this great analysis if you don’t believe me - On Mercy and data - #17 by Erk-1392
Most people don’t even respond when i ask, on voice and or on chat. I don’t think if that works, but i don’t really ask and check a lot of the time, only if they are severely underperforming.
thats more than enough, given that I (and the vast majority of us) come to OW for enjoyment and added toxicity takes away form that enjoyment
Most people don’t even respond when i ask, on voice and or on chat. I don’t think if that works, but i don’t really ask and check a lot of the time, only if they are severely underperforming.
Heres an idea
you focus on YOUR play, and the rest of us will focus on OURS
No, we don’t. If one of these sites was smart, they would work an exclusive deal with Blizzard to provide aggregate data for comparison and analysis.
These stats wouldn’t be superfluous. They are players doing their best and trying to win, and their stats would be important in providing stats in the heroes and maps they play, even if they aren’t very good.
Here’s the thing, unless you looked them up in Overbuff to begin with, they did not have the stats there.
Those that do not care to see their stats do not go to Overbuff, therefore their stats are superfluous and just noise when those that do care make it public to use the tool.
The sample is more than large enough already, the “We need Overbuff data” excuse doesn’t cut it.
Yes, it excuses. More data is a larger sample size and decreases the chance of the data being biased, like in Torbjorn’s and Symmetra’s case, in which almost every main set their profile to private and hide their stats, preventing us to see their performance.
Because, having it as default gives two possinilities:
1: you forgot to set it as public
2: you pruposely hide it
But if it wasnt by default, 2 is the only.option, so people that hide it will.be targetted
Then, use the options menu to set it to “private”.
For private profiles to work as intended (to reduce cyber bullying and forced hero picks etc.) it need to be set to private by default. This causes plausible deniability. If it was set to public by default then anyone with a private profile would be suspected of hiding something, and that would cause discrimination, bullying, and toxicity. By having it private by default you can always just go “I haven’t really bothered changing” in defense, which in many cases is probably true.
And they are already. It wouldn’t really change anything. It’s a personal experience, but i saw people bullying a Mercy main on voice chat because her profile was on private. She would probably suffer through that too even if the profile was public, but the point is that the profile being private didn’t change anything.
I just don’t want you to see that I’m a closeted GM and don’t want you to feel inferior to my epic awesomeness
i saw people bullying a Mercy main on voice chat because her profile was on private. She would probably suffer through that too even if the profile was public, but the point is that the profile being private didn’t change anything.
The point is that the bullying should never occur regardless of the reason
Then why don’t they just make icons private by default aswell.Cause I’ma just asume by the icon what a person mains.If we’re going by that logic.
Don’t call someone a control freak just because, okay? Just because they want to see your stats doesn’t mean he is a bully or is mean.