Can we please be able to shoot Venture “mound”

Even if its at a reduced% please

Widowmaker’s grapple

Pharah’s rocket boosters

Echo’s flight’s boosters

Winston’s leap

Doom’s leap

Ashe’s side arm

Genji’s double jump + swift strike

Tracer’s blink + recall

Mei’s cryo-ice

Reaper’s wraith

I can go on and on about the obvious counters to that burrow move, lol.


I just want to shoot things, am i bad for wanting to do that?

Please don’t call it a mound…

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lol but it is a “mound” of dirt

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You and every other low skilled player wants every new hero to be a Reinhardt.

A big target with no range and low survivability.


Why? It’s the loud, it’s slow, and you can just walk away from its range before they’re able to do any meaningful damage

Also it’s a free Roadhog hook

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I dont get it? That wouldnt be fun at all.

Bro fr, once they emerge, it’s a free headshot for any sniper. Hanzo, Ashe, and WIdowmaker all counter them.

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Even during the start up animation of Burrow, you can Hook, cancel Burrow and kill Venture this way. Feels like the burrowing time is longer than getting in her mech.


It has a windup… is that not enough? Wraith form and fade don’t have that.


You’re not a bad person for caring about something in a video game, but I guess I (and others?) don’t feel the same way given that we’ve had stuff like Mei’s block, Reaper’s wraith, etc. for years. It’s never particularly bothered me that I can’t shoot them during these abilities. :woman_shrugging:

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Can we please be able to shoot Venture “mound”

I thought you meant something differently by mound…

Id like it to be faster, but shootable